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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Before you start training with weights you need to lose all the fat first…

Have you ever heard… “Before you start training with weights you need to lose all the fat first.” Unfortunately, I hear this myth often and it is beyond false!  It’s like saying you need to pay off all your debt before you get a job. Makes ZERO sense! So, why do people believe this? First, they are afraid of going to a gym and working out. They often don’t know what to do or how to do it. Plus, there will be a bunch of meatheads judging them the whole time. Second, they already feel bad about their appearance. Why would they...


Are you always tired? You could be part of the estimated 80% who suffer from adrenal fatigue! This last week, I was especially tired. I doubt it was adrenal fatigue ;-), pretty sure it was just the time change. Regardless, experts believe that about 80% of the western world will be affected by adrenal fatigue at some point in their life. That means the chances are pretty high, you, at one time will suffer from it...

Many people make this same common mistake…

As a personal trainer I get blessed with the opportunity to help people on a daily basis. On top of that, a seriously doubt there is anything cooler than training a new client who is super eager and ready to change their lifestyle and develop new habits.   Often times these new clients are working really hard trying to undo what has often taken years to get to. They are trying to make up for lost time. However...


Last week we talked about Habit 9 - Meet Your Carb Needs Tactfully. Yesterday, I did not meet my carb needs tactfully ;-( and I paid the price on the scale. My mom saw and bought a new “health” item, it’s called, “Breyers delights.” I won’t lie it is a delight and the product when used responsibly is a real treasure! For a whole pint of Low fat ice cream it is only 270 calories, 67 grams of carbs, 20 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat. That is pretty amazing. What is not amazing, is that yesterday I only had...

Are YOU up to this CHALLENGE?

This weeks challenge is both scary and awesome! I want you to run or walk a 5K this week! If you normally walk a lot, I want to you to run the whole thing. If you normally don’t walk, then please, don’t kill yourself but get it done. If you are named Dee, don’t participate! ;-) (sorry inside joke) Now, ff you really want to be super I suggest you also sign-up to run a 5K. It is always fun to have something to train for as well as a fixed date that you can’t control. It creates a sense of urgency and...