Are YOU up to this CHALLENGE?
This weeks challenge is both scary and awesome!
I want you to run or walk a 5K this week!
If you normally walk a lot, I want to you to run the whole thing. If you normally don’t walk, then please, don’t kill yourself but get it done.
If you are named Dee, don’t participate! 😉 (sorry inside joke)
Now, ff you really want to be super I suggest you also sign-up to run a 5K. It is always fun to have something to train for as well as a fixed date that you can’t control. It creates a sense of urgency and helps motivate you do things you normally won’t do…like run or walk a 5K ;-).
Side note…if you have bad knees like me, then row a 5K or bike a 10K.
Really the purpose behind this challenge is for you to become more active and burn some extra calories and the key to cardio is also the key to resistance training, slow and steady. If you go all out before you are ready you will likely get hurt…which is zero fun ;-(.
If you don’t know what to do or how to do just google Couch to 5K running programs…there are literally hundreds of them. This is one that like for beginners, click here or copy and paste this link into your browser https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week/
So…who is in?
Go be awesome!
KELLEN LAKE – My knees suck, so I will be rowing my 5K.
PS – Don’t forget to order your weight loss meals that are Chef created, Restaurant prepared, and Trainer approved click the link https://just-4-you-meals.myshopify.com/