Workout out so I don’t die = Powerful Motivation
When I really decided to lose weight my motivation was so that I wouldn’t die. A couple weeks ago, I talked about why motivation is so important. Motivation is important in regards to your general health and mental sanity, it helps you stay on task. It acts as the fuel to get you from Point A to Point B. Take me for example, my motivation to lose weight, to go from 308 pounds to a current weight of 220ish was so that I wouldn't die. I saw a TV reporter on ESPN talking about how 60% of lineman in college or the...
Are You Sabotaging Yourself?
A couple quick question. Are you sabotaging yourself and cheating yourself from acquiring your fitness goals? Are you giving your best? How is our attitude? So often when it comes to physical fitness we sabotage ourselves by only giving 70% - 80% effort. If you are a formal athlete you are likely thinking, “No! I give 100% every time I step into the gym! Shut your mouth!” My gentle rebuttal would be, “What are you eating on a consistent basis?” Chances are you need to shut your mouth, lol. I know this because it describes me…;-). In my experience, former athletes...
Man Swims Around The Entire UK (1,780 miles)!
So, how is this week’s challenge going? Are you eating and actually enjoying your food without distractions? As I said on Monday, if you slow down and really taste your food the chances of you actually enjoying it goes up a lot and you will naturally eat less. Now, a CRAZY story about a dude who battled through distractions. Let me introduce you to Ross Edgley, this guy decided to swim around the entire UK (1,780 miles) and it took him 5 months! His daily schedule included 12 hours of swimming a day and he had to eat 15,000 calories daily!...
Eat MORE To Lose MORE Challenge!
This weeks challenge is all about making you eat more to lose more. Are you in? I want you to eat two to three cups of vegetables at every meal. For those who want concrete measurements you're looking at 300 grams or at least 10 ounces of vegetables per meal. And before you freak out and think, “Oh my word, I can only eat so many salads and stir-frys.” there are numerous ways to eat vegetables (Like Cauliflower Pizza as seen in the pic, check it out You can roast them, you can simmer them and put them in soups, you...
I Am Overcoming My Procrastination…I bought a Crossbow ;-)
Well, I followed my own advice… I thought about hunting and how much I used to enjoy it, plus Axel is talking about it all the time… So I counted 5-4-3-2-1 and….bought a crossbow and a hunting license lol. I took action even though my brain was telling me not to….”You don’t have the time. There is no where to go. Axel is just going to be noising.” As I counted down instead of dwelling on those issues I thought about how thrilled Axel is going to be even if we are just walking in the woods “hunting!” How about you? Are you...
Are You Wasting Your Life Away On Social Media And Not Having Enough Time To Exercise?
Well is looks like winter is well on its way, it got chilly this weekend and that inspired this weeks challenge. Maybe the toughest challenge to date...
How I get things DONE and YOU can too!
This is probably going to be my favorite challenge. Do you ever get overwhelm with the massive amount things you have to get done? If so, this week’s challenge is for YOU! I would like to personally invite you to participate in the checklist challenge. This challenge is about getting stuff organized and DONE! Not to brag, but I am pretty good at this and I am going to share some of my tips with you. The basics: -First, brainstorm what your major goals are this week and or this month. -Second, I want you to write a to-do list that is focused...
Lauren’s Journey of LOSING 16.55 lbs of FAT in 10 weeks ;-)!
Two things today ;-). The first, is a client success story about Lauren! Lauren is two week away from completing the Better Booty, Tighter Tummy 12 Week Program and she is absolutely killing it! When she started she was 170 lbs, the last time she weighed in she was 152.9 lb. The best news though is she went from 29% body fat to 20.9%. That means Lauren has lost 16.55 lbs of fat and gained 2.95 lbs of muscle! Which means her metabolism is higher and she is thinner! Plus, her waist has shrunk from 35.65 to 31.75! Lauren has worked...
Are You In A Boring Food Rut?
Well last week’s challenge was personally brutal on me, dancing is NOT my strong point ;-). So this week I am going to go a little easy. I am challenging you to change up your food items. It is so easy to get stuck eating the same thing day in and day out. I want to help you break out of your food rut. Your challenge is to try something you have NEVER eaten before! Yes! I am giving you the excuse to eat something you have always been curious about, but have never tried. Perhaps you have always wanted to try some exotic...
I will get EMBARRASSED with this Challenge…
Good Monday Morning! I recently started training an AWESOME Zumba instructor and she is the motivation behind this weeks challenge. I won’t lie, this week’s challenge scares me...