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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


Health Tips

Could be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Well it's the fall, and that means cool breezes, lots of holiday preparation and celebrations, and depending on where you are, snow. This time of the year should be super awesome and exciting. However, for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) it can be a time where they struggle with depression and feelings of sadness. Instead of feeling joy and anticipation, they feel this sense of dread and sluggishness and often fear and/or dread being put in social settings (like at party). When SAD sets in, suffers report slowing “fall” into a depressive state. I'm not talking about the...

You are shaped physically and mentally by what you consistently do.

The other day Axel took me on an “Adventure Walk” behind our house. As we were trespassing (Ironic I know) we ran into an old sign that was partly “consumed”  by the tree it was nailed to. I attached the picture so you can check it out. How long do you think it took for that sign to get consumed by the tree? 10 - 20 years? I have no idea, but I do know it did not happen overnight. It took a really long time.It took consistent work and effort. To often I see people quit just about the same...

8 Strategies To Avoid Weight Gain Over The Holidays

Today I will get straight to the point. Here are 8 ways to maintain or even lose weight over the Holidays. Don't miss workouts. This is the easiest way to maintain your current weight. I don't care what anybody else says. If you're consistently showing up and working hard you'll burn an extra for 300 to 400 calories per hour, if not more, I'm being conservative. Plus, the chances are you're going to overeat, what better way to burn off some of those extra calories by performing a hard workout. Keep a food log. Yes, I love keeping a food...


Are you always tired? You could be part of the estimated 80% who suffer from adrenal fatigue! This last week, I was especially tired. I doubt it was adrenal fatigue ;-), pretty sure it was just the time change. Regardless, experts believe that about 80% of the western world will be affected by adrenal fatigue at some point in their life. That means the chances are pretty high, you, at one time will suffer from it...

I Am Overcoming My Procrastination…I bought a Crossbow ;-)

Well, I followed my own advice… I thought about hunting and how much I used to enjoy it, plus Axel is talking about it all the time… So I counted 5-4-3-2-1 and….bought a crossbow and a hunting license lol. I took action even though my brain was telling me not to….”You don’t have the time. There is no where to go. Axel is just going to be noising.” As I counted down instead of dwelling on those issues I thought about how thrilled Axel is going to be even if we are just walking in the woods “hunting!” How about you? Are you...

Limit These 10 Common Foods To Lose Some Weight.

Axel and I went “hunting” :-) So, the other day I was eating dinner and watching a show on Netflix’s called, “Meat Eater.” Basically, this guy named Steven Rinella goes around and hunts animals and then cooks them. I haven’t hunted in about 10 years, not since I left Montana, and watching this show reminds me of some great times. Any way, as I am eating my dinner, my son Axel (5 years old) whispers… “Dad, why are they whispering?”. I look at him like, “What are you talking about?” and I then realized he is talking about the show. So, I...

6 Tips To Make Eating Healthy A Little Easier…Like My 3 Year Old

I am still trying to catch up after being on vacation last week so I am going to give you six tips that will make eating healthy a little bit easier. But first a funny story about planning brought to you by my 3 year old daughter Kenna. Kenna goes to preschool and she has designated backpack that she only takes to school and back. Well last Friday Kenna got all of her plastic toys and stuffed them in her “home” backpack, the one she can can play with and destroy. No harm, no foul...

Running VS Running on a Treadmill, Which Is Better?

I vote neither lol, I ran so much when I was training for the military I think I am good for a lifetime. Plus, it hurts my knees bad. But this week while I was digging my master pieces (see picture below of my master piece lol) I got passed by tons of people running on the beach and I did a little research. Which is better? Running outside or on a treadmill, this is what I discovered. Americans spend over 72 billion dollars on sports equipment and workout gear. Yes, you read that right! 72 BILLION DOLLARS...

Find Out How To Avoid Muscle Cramps :- )…kind of…

Find Out How To Avoid Muscle Cramps : ) As a personal trainer I get accused of making muscles hurt lol. Well today, I would like to educate you on how to avoid making your muscles hurt. ;-). Did you know that drinking a quarter cup of pickle juice can get rid of muscle cramps about 85% faster than if they just disappeared on their own? Weird huh? You can thank Brigham Young University for finding that out in 2010. Now here's the thing what we've been told for years and years about muscle cramping from every coach you have probably ever had...