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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Warming…it’s almost FLU and COLD Season…ARE YOU READY to fight off the Zombie Infection?

Are You Ready For Cold And Flu Season? Are You Ready To Fight Off The Zombie Infection?

It’s official, fall is here with all its splendor. You know what else that means? It is cold and flu season. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wondered why some people hardly ever get sick (like me…fingers crossed) and why others seem to get sick all the time. My wife and I had a “talk” and she lovingly suggested that this year I get a flu shot. I reminded her that I haven’t been sick in YEARS and I worked in a school previously (I am now probably going to get stupid sick). Plus, I have never gotten a flu shot…However, this year I am ;-). Next week in fact. Yep, read between the lines, Beth won the “talk” lol.

With that said, I did some digging, I wanted to know why some people got sick and others rarely got sick. I discovered that the reason lies in the strength of your immune system. No surprise there right? But wait…your immune system’s strength is directly tied your digestive system. This connection of immune to digestive system was news to me.

What this means is when you’re exposed to viruses, bugs, zombies and what not, your immune system is what protects you from getting infected.

Kind of like in The Walking Dead (which I love and the last episode is finally on Netflix), your immune system makes it so that you don’t become a zombie. But if your immune system is weak you’re going to become a zombie you’re going to get infected. However, if your immune system is a rockstar, if it’s strong, kind of like Darryl, you won’t get compromised and you don’t end up getting sick. To have a strong immune system you need MICROBES!

Microbes, The Zombie Slayers In Your Gut.

One of the key components in your digestive system are microbes. Think of microbes as zombie slaying organisms that live inside you. The more good microbes you have, the less sick you will get.

You see, these microbes are helpful and they help protect you from diseases and infections. These microbes are actually good bacteria and what they do is they recognize when Zombies (viruses) enter your body. When a virus enters your body the good microbes attack! If you have enough good microbes (Zombie Slayers) inside your gut, the chances of you getting sick or infected drastically decreases.

However….if the microbes in your stomach are low, if you don’t have enough Zombie Slayers inside your gut, they’ll get overwhelmed by the virus aka zombies and you’ll get sick.

However, your microbes can be easily depleted.

Case in point, if you consume antibiotics it will destroy all the microbes, good bacteria (Zombie Slayers), and bad bacteria (Zombies) inside of you. It is like “Nuking” your digestive system. Side note, in my opinion antibiotics are good, you should take them when prescribed. However, if you “Nuke” your guts, that means that you’ll go from a whole bunch of Zombie Slayers to 0. You will also must likely get rid of the virus and infection. In short, antibiotics are not selective in who and what they take out once it gets inside you.

You can also accidentally kill good microbes by drinking water with chlorine and eating food with residue pesticide. Wash your produce and don’t drink chlorine water.

If the good microbes in your body become overwhelmed or start to dwindle, your changes of getting sick go up. If the zombies take up residence and get inside of you, you become Ground Zero so to speak. What to do?

Probiotics, The  Zombie Slayers Medic

If you think that you are becoming deficient of good microbes it is actually easy to fix the problem. All you need to do is to take these things called probiotics. Probiotics are like medics that revive and save the zombie slayers. Probiotics are good microbes that we need for good digestive health and for a strong immunity.

There’s a couple different ways.

First, you can get them in a capsule form, which I would argue is kind of boring.

Second, you can just eat them and add them into your diet. The easiest way to consume probiotics is via yogurt. All you need to do is check the label of the yogurt and make sure that it has active cultures. The active cultures are the good bacteria or the Medics that you need to eat to make sure you have a good and efficient digestive system and as a direct result immune system.

Take away: Start eating food with probiotics so that you can help fight yourself from becoming sick.

Now go feed your Zombie Slayers and be awesome!



PS – Ready to make a change in 12 Weeks? Shanessa has lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks following the Better Booty, Tighter Tummy 12 Week Program…you can be next, click here for a free session or visit www.winstonsalem.justyoufitness.com .

PSS – Check out the Playlist Workout below a fun weekend workout ;-).

Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.).  After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch.

Choose 4 of your favorite pump-up songs – they should be between 3:30 and 4:30 minutes long. Each circuit is done for the duration of the song.  

Song 1

15 Kettlebell or Dumbbell swings

10 Squat knee lift (1-2)

10 Zombies (1-1)

10 second rest (if needed)

Song 2

10 Jumping Jacks

10 Reverse lunges each side

10 Spiderman plank (1-1)

10 second rest (if needed)

Song 3:

10 High knee runs each side

10 Butt kickers each side

5 Lateral lunges each side

10 second rest (if needed)

Song 4:

10 Primal Crawl

10 Pullovers

10 Russian Twist

10 second rest (if needed)  
