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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


March 2019

3 Reasons People Fail and 1 Simple Solution.

So often people do not live up to their fitness goals for at least one of the following three reasons. Reasons: Discontentment, Jealousy, and Pride Discontentment, jealousy, and pride often leads to quitting instead of persevering. When you become discontent, jealous, or prideful you start to “notice” what everyone else is doing. For example you start to see what others are eating for lunch and dinner and you start to get discontent, jealous, and prideful because of this other person's “diet” food. You start to think, “If only I could get away with eating _______! Why do they get to eat ______ and...

Dillon Down 20 lbs in 5 weeks and his common question…

I get asked this question often . “Do I have to use weights and practice resistance training? Can’t I just go running or get on a treadmill and build muscle? Don't I use muscles when I run?” Not in the manner needed to look like a sprinter, who uses resistance training, and a marathon runner who doesn't. See the differences in the pictures? My most recent client who asked this question was Dillon. Dillon in the past had lost a lost of weight simply by doing aerobic exercise and eating pretty much nothing (starvation should not be a diet option). Yes,...

Weight Loss Tips and Advice From a Friend

I am stoked to be back and ready to bless everyone with the gift of physical fitness ;-). While I was gone, I read an awesome post from an old friend named John Pierce. John got up to weigh over 300 lbs and it now battling the bulge. He currently is weighing in at 267 ish lbs. Super awesome right?! Below are are John’s tips for how was able to lose the weight and how he will continue to fight this battle. On a side note, I do not train John, he and is family moved to the UK and...

The “Magic” Debit Card

Today, I'm going tell you a story about when I was a little kid and how it relates to infomercials, fitness products, Facebook wonder ads, most supplements, and so on and so forth. When I was little, my parents had this magic card (this sucker really amazed me)! Every once in awhile, when my mom needed money, she would get this magic card and put it into this big box thing via a special slot, push a couple of buttons and...

Is Your Workout Program Boring?

Yesterday, we went to Broadway By The Beach, some of you may have noticed if you follow me at all on social media :-). It was honestly a great time and it was pretty hilarious too. There were so many “shiny” things to pull at our attention. They have an upside down skyscraper, with upside down trees. Axel got super confused, “How can a building could become upside down?” I even got him on video trying to explain how he thought it occurred. In his mind, a tornado had swept by, lifted up this giant building and place it...

Kenna’s B-Day Gift Shattered Into a Million Pieces…

For Kenna’s Birthday we got her a Hatchable. Kenna absolutely loves it. For those who don't know what a Hatchable is, it's a fury animal that comes in an egg and when you rub it and take care of it for 15-20 minutes it hatches, it literally pops out of an eggshell. Kenna was super excited about it. She was rubbing it, it was glowing, shaking, it was even talking, the thing really made you feel like a mother. However, Kenna then decided to put Hatchable into her dress and rub it because the Hatchable quote-unquote liked that. She said...

Beware! Doctor warns Spanx are making your tummy and butt soft and squishy!

As most of you know, the fam and I are at the beach for Kenna’s 4th birthday. Vacations are great, you get to relax, slow down, and wake up at the crack of dawn because you have a 5 and 4 year old who refuse to relax and slow down lol ;-). Any way, I was up “supervising” and by supervising I mean drinking coffee and watching the news when I saw an interview with a doctor that got my attention. It was about the danger of wearing “Spanx’s!” Sorry, you probably just spit out your coffee or tea, I...