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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


October 2018

Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true if have we the courage to pursue them.”

This weekend I was asked to write a letter to one of my old students back when I was a PE teacher. She is joining a sorority and part of the ceremony involves her getting letters from past teachers, mentors, etc… I figured if it was good enough for this sweet young lady it would be good enough for you as well ;-). First a quote from Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true if have we the courage to pursue them.” I'm not a huge fan of the idea of believing it and achieving it. But I am a fan...

Do You Want To Actually Lose Weight on Thanksgiving?

In the very near future people all over America will be sitting down to celebrate Thanksgiving. Feasting together just might be the oldest form of human celebration. Sitting around a table and eating, hanging out with family and friends is great. However, if we are not careful it is easy to over do a good thing.  If you don't believe me, look at what Dr. Cedric Bryant ACE chief exercise physiologist discovered. “A 160 lb. person would have to run at a moderate pace for four hours, swim for five hours or walk 30 miles to burn off a 3,000-calorie Thanksgiving...

Troi’s Success Story!

This week has been a whirlwind so I will try and keep this short. Our client success story of the week will be about Troi (I love the name and the way it is spelled). Troi has been training with me since February bless her heart ;-). Troi has been through 3.5 training programs with me. To say she is dedicated is a HUGE understatement! Troi hated the idea of exercising, but she wanted to lose weight for her upcoming marriage. Plus, Troi was realistic, she started training for her wedding day almost a year in advance, which is really smart! Troi...

Will I Really Lose Weight If I Take The Stairs?

In a world where everyone is super busy Colin Boreham, professor of at the University College Dublin Institute for Sports and Health states, “ stair climbing is one of the few everyday activities at a moderate to high intensity that one can do surreptitiously without having to change, you don’t need special equipment or look foolish.” In short, yes, taking the stairs can help you lose weight. The benefits are numerous. It’s time efficient. You can do it in 10 minutes sometimes less. It's convenient. You can spread it out throughout your day and you can do it in small...

Are you crazy busy today and didn’t have time to pack a healthy meal…now what!?

I will give you four tips, but first a story, ever since the hurricanes stormed through, my son Axel (5 years old), has become obsessed with trees falling down. Every day he asks to watch, “trees falling down” on youtube. He has consistently watched the same 5 videos for weeks now, he is officially addicted, he is super consistent and never misses a day lol and can even quote what is said and what is going to happen. Which might not be so good...

Three-Step Strategy To Overcome Your Food Addiction And Get Into Smaller Jeans.

As promised the second part to, “Why saying, ‘No’ to chocolate cookies is so hard.” I will just get to the point today ;-). There is a three-step strategy to overcome your food addiction and get into the smaller jeans.  Stop.  Stopping isn't magical, it's not pretty, but it is simple. You must stop consuming the foods that are impeding you from getting what you really want. Basically, this means you need to stop eating whatever food you're addicted to, such as chocolate chip cookies, pizza, ice cream, etc. I mention these because they hit pretty close to home. This...

Tasmin’s Success Story, from 29.6% body fat to 23.4%

Today’s client success story is all about Tasmin ;-)! Tasmin sought me out because she wanted to lose some weight and tone up. Tasmin was fairly active but had some habits that were not helping her lose weight (lots of snacking) and she wasn’t doing any strength training, which makes toning up pretty difficult. When I first met with Tasmin she said she did not want to log calories, which makes losing weight hard, it's like trying to play darts with your eyes closed, hard and dangerous lol. I expressed my concerns and said that was fine we could try the...

6 Tips To Make Eating Healthy A Little Easier…Like My 3 Year Old

I am still trying to catch up after being on vacation last week so I am going to give you six tips that will make eating healthy a little bit easier. But first a funny story about planning brought to you by my 3 year old daughter Kenna. Kenna goes to preschool and she has designated backpack that she only takes to school and back. Well last Friday Kenna got all of her plastic toys and stuffed them in her “home” backpack, the one she can can play with and destroy. No harm, no foul...