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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Do You Want To Actually Lose Weight on Thanksgiving?

In the very near future people all over America will be sitting down to celebrate Thanksgiving. Feasting together just might be the oldest form of human celebration. Sitting around a table and eating, hanging out with family and friends is great. However, if we are not careful it is easy to over do a good thing. 

If you don’t believe me, look at what Dr. Cedric Bryant ACE chief exercise physiologist discovered.

A 160 lb. person would have to run at a moderate pace for four hours, swim for five hours or walk 30 miles to burn off a 3,000-calorie Thanksgiving Day meal,” said Dr. Cedric Bryant, ACE chief exercise physiologist.  Many people start by snacking throughout the day and that combined with the meal can lead to a total caloric intake of 4,500.”1

Still thinking you should maintain the status quo?

I suggest moderation or better yet just have everything made for you and portioned out in advance and delivered to you. If that inetested you check out www.just4youmeals.com . You will find both a healthy option and a “traditional option.” Both will be created by a Chef, prepared in a restaurant, and low in calories so you don’t gain weight.

Regardless, here are some tips so you can battle the bulge.

    1. Plan your meals. If you know that you are going to be going to a big dinner limit your calories 2-3 days before the big celebration. Basically bank those calories for a latter day. You don’t need to skip meals, just make them lighter and less calorie dense.
    2. Look at the big picture. You don’t need to eat like a Rock Star at each gathering. Map out your “heavy” days. It is unwise to eat a lot just because its a “super event.” Choose your events and plan accordingly. 
    3. Keep moving. Stay active, you need to keep your metabolism elevated. Make sure you are doing something active as often as possible. This is the simplest thing you can do to battle be bulge. Eat your dinner and then go for a walk. It’s a win-win. You burn some calories and get away from them as well lol.

In short, there is absolutely no need gain weight this Holiday season  just because that is what you have always done does not mean you need to repeat. Break the cycle.

Follow the tips above and you should be fine. HOWEVER, if you lack discipline and self control make it easy on yourself and just order your Thanksgiving meal from Just 4 You Meals. 

Regardless, nail down your strategy and use it once the turkey hits the fan so to speak.

1 http://www.acefitness.org/pressroom/392/hard-to-believe-average-thanksgiving-meal-equals-3
