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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Three-Step Strategy To Overcome Your Food Addiction And Get Into Smaller Jeans.

As promised the second part to, “Why saying, ‘No’ to chocolate cookies is so hard.”

I will just get to the point today ;-).

There is a three-step strategy to overcome your food addiction and get into the smaller jeans.

  1.  Stop.  Stopping isn’t magical, it’s not pretty, but it is simple. You must stop consuming the foods that are impeding you from getting what you really want. Basically, this means you need to stop eating whatever food you’re addicted to, such as chocolate chip cookies, pizza, ice cream, etc. I mention these because they hit pretty close to home. This means when you’re in a social environment and those foods are out on display you are going to struggle. It looks and feels just like an addiction. You will struggle to try to overcome the intense impulses inside of your body and brain. You will likely even get emotionally charged….kinda of crazy food is that powerful right!? And don’t forget about dopamine. You’ll smell whatever your vice is and you’ll become extremely motivated to get whatever it is you crave. To stop this cycle you need to think about what you want more and train your body and brain by reminding yourself of your true goal and desire (more on that below). You want to get into a smaller jean size. Unfortunately, all you got going on for you right now is sheer willpower, but it will get easier over time, just like working out :-). Peer accountability can also be a valuable tool when cravings hit.
  1. Celebrate the victory!  Step two is celebrate the victory. You need to acknowledge and celebrate that you have fought a battle and you have been victorious. You have conquered the chocolate chip cookie (or whatever it was) and you have vanquished the enemy. The point is you need to celebrate your successes and your victories because it retrains your brain. When you celebrate your victories it communicate to your brain that you’re changing what makes you feel good. You’re trying to train your brain to become addicted to saying, “no.” The same way you got into this miss, is the same way to get out. You want to train your brain to feel pleasure from saying, “no” so that those same strong chemicals learn to fight for you, instead of against you. That’s when the magic starts to happen.
  1. Reward Yourself.  Step three, you must reward yourself for overcoming and vanquishing your evil nemesis. This helps ingrain the habit of saying no and and positively affects how your dopamine responds. You’re creating a new road for your brain that says, “Hey, I get more pleasure from saying no, than I do from consuming pizza, chocolate chip cookies, etc.” In short, you’ll become addicted to a healthier lifestyle. Which just so happens to enable you to get it to a smaller jean size, it is a huge win-win!

You can do this, Go be awesome!


KELLEN LAKE – Ohhh, the power of thought.

PS – One of the 20 slots is gone is for a complementary health & fitness trial with my unique Better Booty, Tighter Tummy Fitness Program, claim yours by clicking here or going to www.winstonsalemjustyoufitness.com

PSS –  Yes a fun lower body challenge below

Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.).  After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch.

3 Rounds:  

30 Walking Lunges (15/side)

20 Frog Jumps

15 RFESS – Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (15 per side)

10 1-Legged Reach with a Front Kick (10/side)

5 Burpees

400 meter run
