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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


September 2018

How I get things DONE and YOU can too!

This is probably going to be my favorite challenge. Do you ever get overwhelm with the massive amount things you have to get done? If so, this week’s challenge is for YOU! I would like to personally invite you to participate in the checklist challenge. This challenge is about getting stuff organized and DONE! Not to brag, but I am pretty good at this and I am going to share some of my tips with you. The basics: -First, brainstorm what your major goals are this week and or this month. -Second, I want you to write a to-do list that is focused...

Lauren’s Journey of LOSING 16.55 lbs of FAT in 10 weeks ;-)!

Two things today ;-). The first, is a client success story about Lauren! Lauren is two week away from completing the Better Booty, Tighter Tummy 12 Week Program and she is absolutely killing it! When she started she was 170 lbs, the last time she weighed in she was 152.9 lb. The best news though is she went from 29% body fat to 20.9%. That means Lauren has lost 16.55 lbs of fat and gained 2.95 lbs of muscle! Which means her metabolism is higher and she is thinner!  Plus, her waist has shrunk from 35.65 to 31.75! Lauren has worked...

Are You In A Boring Food Rut?

Well last week’s challenge was personally brutal on me, dancing is NOT my strong point ;-). So this week I am going to go a little easy. I am challenging you to change up your food items. It is so easy to get stuck eating the same thing day in and day out. I want to help you break out of your food rut. Your challenge is to try something you have NEVER eaten before! Yes! I am giving you the excuse to eat something you have always been curious about, but have never tried. Perhaps you have always wanted to try some exotic...

$1 a day for accountability??

Two messages today. The first is the power of accountability. The second is on how to shape your social environment to lose weight. So number one, accountability. I have found this week’s Challenge (1 - 3 dance parties) extremely difficult. If I had not told everyone I would post some dances, I wouldn’t have done it. That just goes to show you that accountability is huge! How can you get some accountability in your life? I have one client that pays me a dollar a day, to keep her accountable to not eating sugar. She has tried to do it on her...