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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



How Dee Lost 45 lbs – Why Weight Training Helps You Lose Weight (Fat)

Good Morning,

I just got this message from Dee and it says, “45 down this morning!” I am so proud of Dee. She has been working on this goal for a long time (about 2 years). It was not easy, but she never gave up and fought hard…and I mean really hard…for every single pound. Sometimes she would go 3 – 4 weeks without losing any weight, but she stuck with it. She epitomizes this quote from Thomas Jefferson, “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any.” Dee could have quite or slacked off, but that would result in the status quo. Instead, she chose to fight! I suggest you do the same.

One of the main reasons Dee was successful was because she trained with weights also now as resistance training.

So, if you want to lose weight, don’t stop resistance training!

It’s finally getting into fall. You may be tempted to forgo your resistance training and head outdoors for some aerobic exercise in the fresh air. USER BEWARE! if you give up, aka quit, your resistance training, you will be giving up more than you bargained for.

Why should I practice resistance train?

Resistance training is critical for true fat-loss. Without it, your muscles will slowly go away (atrophy). No biggy you think. Wrong, if you aren’t building muscle, you are likely losing it and its calorie burning power. To make it even worse, is around age 25, we begin naturally losing muscle mass every decade. In short, if you don’t use it, you lose it (huge frowning face).

Don’t believe me? Have you ever broken your arm or leg and had to wear a cast for a few weeks? Remember what happened when the cast was removed? Let me guess, your arm or leg was a lot smaller and felt weak. That is because just a few weeks of disuse caused the muscles to begin to pack up their bags and leave, (atrophy).

Here are just “some” of the benefits of resistance training:

  • Stops muscle loss and helps begin the rebuilding process.
  • Makes daily activities easier, from carrying groceries to rearranging your furniture.
  • Gives you a sculpted look.
  • Increases bone density, giving you a strong, stable skeleton.
  • Improves balance and coordination.
  • Prevents decay of the pads between your bones, so that you do not hurt when you move.
  • Causes the tendons to grow deeper into your bones, reducing the chance of tearing.
  • Builds muscles which will burn more calories, even while you are resting.
  • Reduces blood pressure by making your heart stronger.
  • Increases your metabolism.
  • Decreases blood sugar, which helps prevent insulin resistance (the precursor to diabetes).
  • Improves your aerobic capacity:  the stronger your muscles, the better your endurance.
  • Gives you a general feeling of wellness and strength.  If you are strong, you feel strong.
  • Makes you a better athlete:  there is no substitute for strength.
  • Prevents the weak, frail “skinny-fat” look.
  • Raises your energy level.  The more muscle you have, the less effort you have to exert and the more energy you have available.
  • Secures future protection against falls and fractures.  If you age with dense bones, strong muscles and good balance, your risk of injury plummets.
  • Creates 22% more afterburn than aerobic exercise does.  (Afterburn refers to the fat and calories that your body burns in the hours after you have finished your workout.)
  • I could go on, but you get the point!

Still tempted to give up resistance training?

I hope not!

Go be awesome!


KELLEN LAKE – I have practiced resistance training since I was 14 years old ;-).

PS – At Just You Fitness Winston-Salem, I help ordinary people lose the jiggle in their middle. I do this by creating a customized nutritional and workout plan offered in a private exclusive setting that is completely focused on Just YOU. Want to schedule a free session? Contact me, I have a few mid morning slots (8-10am) and early afternoon slots available (1230PM-330PM). Secure your spot soon, before time runs out click here or go to www.winstonsalem.justyoufitness.com
