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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


November 2018

Could be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Well it's the fall, and that means cool breezes, lots of holiday preparation and celebrations, and depending on where you are, snow. This time of the year should be super awesome and exciting. However, for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) it can be a time where they struggle with depression and feelings of sadness. Instead of feeling joy and anticipation, they feel this sense of dread and sluggishness and often fear and/or dread being put in social settings (like at party). When SAD sets in, suffers report slowing “fall” into a depressive state. I'm not talking about the...

Amee lost 4 lbs over a long Weekend!

Today’s success story is all about Amee! But first some accountability regarding this week’s challenge. Have you reached out and contacted some old friends or family members? Reconnecting with old friends and family members helps keep you grounded and reminds you of your roots and how far you have come :-). How as your life changed since you last spoke with them? Are there things you miss and want to start doing again? Are you now grateful for things and experiences that hurt at the time but were fundamental to who you have become? Reflecting on the past can be...

You are shaped physically and mentally by what you consistently do.

The other day Axel took me on an “Adventure Walk” behind our house. As we were trespassing (Ironic I know) we ran into an old sign that was partly “consumed”  by the tree it was nailed to. I attached the picture so you can check it out. How long do you think it took for that sign to get consumed by the tree? 10 - 20 years? I have no idea, but I do know it did not happen overnight. It took a really long time.It took consistent work and effort. To often I see people quit just about the same...

Before you start training with weights you need to lose all the fat first…

Have you ever heard… “Before you start training with weights you need to lose all the fat first.” Unfortunately, I hear this myth often and it is beyond false!  It’s like saying you need to pay off all your debt before you get a job. Makes ZERO sense! So, why do people believe this? First, they are afraid of going to a gym and working out. They often don’t know what to do or how to do it. Plus, there will be a bunch of meatheads judging them the whole time. Second, they already feel bad about their appearance. Why would they...

Who Designs Your Training Plan?

I went to my first ever live musical at High Point University it was epic! Axel and Kenna, my kids were super excited and long story short we had a great time.   Now, I have a question for you. Would you let your 3 year old do their own makeup? I am guessing your answer is, “No!” First, what 3 year old wears makeup? Second, it would look like a 3 year old did their own make up...

In 2nd Grade I Weighed 225 lbs…

In life, it often seems more comfortable to try to avoid difficult situations. And here's the thing, we all know that difficult situations will come up. It's a part of life that is inevitable. And we have a choice, we can either take on the difficult situation or we can avoid it and flee from it. It should go without saying that avoiding or fleeing a difficult situation is rarely the right thing to do. I was a prime example of this in regards to my weight. You see, in 2nd grade I was 225 lbs, then I quite getting on...

8 Strategies To Avoid Weight Gain Over The Holidays

Today I will get straight to the point. Here are 8 ways to maintain or even lose weight over the Holidays. Don't miss workouts. This is the easiest way to maintain your current weight. I don't care what anybody else says. If you're consistently showing up and working hard you'll burn an extra for 300 to 400 calories per hour, if not more, I'm being conservative. Plus, the chances are you're going to overeat, what better way to burn off some of those extra calories by performing a hard workout. Keep a food log. Yes, I love keeping a food...

Tired? Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue? My Top 5 Tips To Overcome!

To treat adrenal fatigue you need to focus on making changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you just have minor adrenal fatigue you can likely fix the problem merely by focusing on your diet and lifestyle. You can expect to feel better in about six to nine months. However, if you suffer from moderate to severe adrenal fatigue it can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months, sometimes longer. A great resource can be found at drjockers.com, on this link it lists 25 ways you can combat adrenal fatigue. I suggest you check it out. I'm just going to...