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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



You CAN Inspire Someone Today!

I won’t lie this challenge is going to be EPIC! It will likely make you a touch uncomfortable but that is ok and actually a good thing ;-).

When you go out of your comfort zone, big things happen. Going out of your comfort zone confronts the fear of the unknown, makes it known, and makes it doable.

Plus, if you accept the challenge, you will inspire a whole lot of people. Have fun with this!

This Challenge is Called, “Tag-a-Friend”

This is how it works…

I want you to choose a specific movements, it could be burpees, squats, push ups, jumping jacks, you get the idea. Then you tag a friend on Facebook or Instagram and challenge them to make a video of them performing the movement within 24 hours.

If that wasn’t cool enough, you then ask them to “nominate” a different friend and pass the love along ;-).

A husband, wife, or sibling is a great place to start ;-)!

Let’s see how many people we can bless with the gift of physical fitness ;-)!  

Why are we doing this challenge?

One, its fun!

Two, there is a high likelyhood you will inspire someone to move and make it a lifestyle choice. Think about? Maybe they do 5 burpees today and then decide to walk 30 minutes 3 times a week and in doing so lower their chance of a stroke.

Wouldn’t that be AWESOME! All because you chose to post a little challenge.

Before you say, “That could never be me.” I want you to think about this…Don’t you get motivated when you see REAL people like your friend making progress in their health and fitness journey? I know I do. So let’s help each other out ;-)!

You have the power and the ability to motivate your friends and maybe in doing so even save a life.

Now be brave! Have fun! Go be AWESOME!

KELLEN LAKE – I challenge all of you reading this to do 5 Burpees or 5 Air Squats, like the video above with Kenna and I and then post it to Facebook or Instagram and then challenge a friend.

Go be awesome!

PS – Just For You Meals is about a week away ;-). If you are interested in Healthy, Nutritious, Weight Loss Meals prepared by a Professionally Trained Chef and Restaurant it is coming. No more dishes, no more shopping, no more meal prep, no more boring “health food,” best of all more weight loss, plus with more time….you can can do more of what YOU Love! Stay tuned for more info ;-).

PS – What to give my Better Booty and Tighter Tummy 12 Week Program a try? I have an 8am slot open M, W, F for $360.00 a month. Be the first to apply ;-).

Apply for the Better Booty and Tighter Tummy 12 Week Program, click here.