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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



8 Summer Workout Tips!

Good morning and WELCOME TO FRIDAY!

Having grown up in Brazil you think I would be used to the heat. In fact, the city where I went to school was basically on the equator and was over 100 degrees, 300 days out of the year…but as they say it was a dry heat. Also, no AC!!!

I personally think that trumps (no pun intended) any 7 miles to school walk in the snow.

Any way, in North Carolina it is so stinkin humid in the summer…especially with all this rain we have been getting.

The heat coupled with the humid conditions inspired my SUMMER WORKOUT TIPS. My hope is that you learn something that will help you beat the heat and not miss a workout or fun activity ;-)!

What is the special offer? Push the button below ;-).

Push Me To Apply To Win ;-)!

So, don’t let the heat and humidity “rain” on your fitness parade. Just follow the tips below to continue on your path of awesomeness!

  1.  This may sound weird…but…cool down first! Yep, you can actually enhance your performance by lowering your body temp before heading outside for a workout. How do you do this? Simple, take a cold shower or by putting a bag of ice behind your neck, or even jumping into the pool will work.
  2. This is obvious but…find some shade. If you normally run or workout in a place with little to no shade you may be unintentionally “Nuking” yourself. Try to find some shaded area that is wooded. If you are in the Winston-Salem area, Salem Lake is a great option! We were there is weekend ;-).
  3.  Avoid caffeine….I know this seems harsh…but before you unfriend me listen up. Caffeine acts as a diuretic which means it forces water out of your system. Trust me, this is not what you want happening when you are outside getting your workout on. Hold and on the caffeine for after your workout or take it several hours before.
  4.  I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this but…Stay hydrated!  Drinking a lot of water! At least half your bodyweight in ounces. Being well hydrated helps reduce the stress your body is under when it is outside in the heat.
  5.  Choose your clothing carefully…and no, I am not talking about the fashion police. You want to wear clothes take the sweat (because after all you are working out hard right? 😉 away from your body. This will help evaporate the sweat quickly which will help you cool down. FYI, cotton is not your friend here. I suggest wearing white or lighter similar colors. Lighter colors help reflect the heat. This means wearing black is a terrible idea.
  6.  Change your workout time.  Don’t go for a 10 mile yike at the hottest part of the day. So, if you normally exercise around noon, the chances are pretty high you will need to adjust your schedule and instead go in the early mornings and late evenings. Not to negate point 2 but…on blistering, hot days, even the shade will not help much.
  7.  Take breaks…you aren’t Rambo. Your body will only handle so much heat before it gets sicks. So, when the temperature climbs it is ok, and even advisable to take more frequent breaks. Listen to your body and plan accordingly.
  8.  THE BEST IDEA…Go the gym…or a Private Personal Training Studio…like mine, shameless plug. You may be surprised to discover that simply moving your workout in a climate controlled environment is the best option. If you would prefer to avoid all the drama a preparation of working out outside just come see me. You will have the added benefit of personal attention and group accountability. Trust me you will have a great time. You can work on form, increase intensity, and I can help you map out a private new customized and exciting workout routine. Beat the heat by mixing things up this summer-try a personal training workout.

Go be awesome!

KELLEN LAKE – Avoid the heat ;-)!

PS – Special Offer, for FIRST person click here to find out it is.

PSS – Just For You Meals…its coming. No more meal prep, no more grocery shopping, no more cooking, no more dishes. Simply choose your meals, pick them up at Just You Fitness Winston-Salem and watch the weight go bye bye!  More info coming soon ;-)!

PSSS – See Weekend Workout below.

Lower Body Challenge

Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.).  After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch.

Level 1: Do each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 20- to 30-second break before moving on to the next exercise. Do this circuit 2 to 3 times through.

Level 2: Do each exercise for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break before moving to the next exercise. Do this circuit 4 to 5 times through.

  1. Jump Squats (stay low)
  2. Squat Hold
  3. Plank (any variation)
  4. Burpees
  5. Weighted Step-Ups (no weight at bottom- just touch foot and straight back up) (left)  
  6. Weighted Step-Ups (no weight at bottom- just touch foot and straight back up) (right)
  7. Plank (any variation)
  8. Burpees