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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Weight Loss Strategy for BIG Dinner Events

Ever had to much of a good thing? I am sure you have. As some of you know I grew in Brazil. In Brazil they have restaurants that are called Churrascarias. At a Churrascaria they serve primarily meat, in the States they are often called a Brazilian Steakhouse. If you enjoy eating lots of different kinds of meat, mainly beef, this is for you!

Obviously, I LOVE Churrascarias, the only problem is when ever I go to a Churrascaria I always over do it. I get nostalgic and plus as a former 308 lbs offensive linemen (currently down to 212), I love eating. Maybe you can relate?

The question becomes, how can you still enjoy a few special moments or treats while still losing weight?

The key is Planning.

When you start your weight loss journey, in the beginning it is easy to restrict unhealthy foods, think fatty and sugar treats like donuts, ice cream, creamy pasta, chips, candy bars, etc… But for the long haul you need a strategy so that every now and then you and indulge a bit and the key is Planning. What this means is that you need to be smart about the amount you eat and how you eat it. You need a strategy, like the one I use.

This is one reason why I love tracking and logging your food in MyFitnessPal. If I know I am going to Churrascaria, I start restricting my calories about three days before hand. I normally eat right at 2,100 calories a day. So I dump my calorie count down to 1,400, which saves me 700 calories a day. Over the course of 3 days that is 2,100 calories that I have “banked” up if you will.

That way, when I go the Brazilian Steak House and eat around 2,100 calories in one meal, it doesn’t completely wreck my weight loss goals. Disclaimer, you can’t do this every week but every once and while it is ok.

Now you don’t have to be a pig like me either. But let’s say you have a birthday party or wedding coming up and you know you will cave to temptation…plan for it.

2-3 days before the event restrict your calories so that you have some saved up or “banked.” Doing so will help you enjoy the event and stay on track with your weight loss goals.

So, as we enter the fall season, have an occasional treat, but be sure it is occasional and plan for it..seriously. ;-b  Your body will thank you!

Go be awesome!

KELLEN LAKE – Confession I had ice cream last night.

PS – Breyer just came out with, Breyer Delights and they are epic! One serving is only around 100 calories, just plan for it and track it.

PSS – If you would like a spicy high intensity workout for Saturday see below ;-).


Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.).  After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch.

3 Rounds: 30 seconds each  



High knees

Lateral shuffle

Butt kickers


Then repeat this circuit 2 to 3 times:

10 Fast Feet Drops (run in place 10 times, drop to the floor, hop up, repeat)

10 Traveling jabs each side (travel forward like a boxer, punching forward with each step)

10 Gorillas

10 Front kicks each side

10 Jumping Jacks

10 Traveling uppercuts each side

10 Frog jumps

10 Side kicks each side

30 Jump ropes

10 Traveling hooks each side

10 Bear Crawls

10 Rear kicks each side

10 Spiderman planks

1 min rest
