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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Hard Truth about losing weight :-(

Alright…today we are going to tackle a hard truth about fat loss.

But first a story ;-).

At the beginning of the month a went to the bank to deposit some money. I use Truliant and I love the fact I don’t have to fill out one of those deposit slips every time I deposit money. Yes, that is probably lazy of me.  

Anyway, I gave the attendant my money and she gave me a receipt that informed me how much money I had total. My eyes lit up with glee because I had enough money to buy a new piece of gym equipment, a Hex Bar, another story for another time, but trust me, it is epic ;-)!

Truth be told, I felt like I deserved to buy that Hex bar a long time ago. Do you ever feel like you deserve something because you have been good or to celebrate?

Here’s the thing, what if I just lived my life like my bank account didn’t matter? I put money in and spent money, but I never paid attention to how much was going in and out? Some of you right now are probably having an anxiety attack just thinking about living that way.

It would be crazy and stressful! Never knowing how much money is coming in or going in out. You just be “winging” so to speak.

Who wants to live like that?

Apparently almost everyone, because that is how we treat our bodies. We don’t pay attention to how many calories are going in, that is unless we start to see the signs that we are getting bigger. Then we go on a “diet” but don’t document how many calories we are eating and instead we chose to use the scientific method of “guesstimating.” Yes, its a word ;-).

Do you “guessetmate” with your bank account? I hope not, and likewise I hope you don’t with your own body? It will just lead to Yo-yo dieting and frustration.

Would you go out and buy a car just because you feel like you deserve one? No…or at least…you shouldn’t. You should go see how much money you have saved up. Would you go out and eat a huge piece of cheesecake because you feel like you deserve it?…

See my point?

I am not saying all this to be a jerk. I love cheesecake! Especially, the Reese Peanut Butter one from the Cheesecake Factory!

I am saying this because study after study has proven that when people log their food they make better, healthier choices and lose weight.

I want you to be successful ;-)! I suggest you use the App called MyFitnessPal.

Have an awesome Tuesday!

KELLEN LAKE – Calories in and calories out…it does matter 😉

PS – I have a special offer for YOU…if you want to lose weight. Click the button below for details.

Yes! Click me! I am the Button!