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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



5 Reasons To Avoid Processed Carbs

So the question for this Tuesday is, “If I could travel back in time I would visit…..”

What is your answer? I thought this was going to be a quick easy question. I was wrong.

But I am going with 1994, that was the year we moved from Montana to Florida and from Florida to Brazil. The reason I would like a “redo” is because while we lived in Florida I blew up to weigh over 230 lbs as a 3rd grader!!! Yes, you read that right…as a third grader.

If I where to go back in time and get a “redo” I would choose to move more, even though Florida was crazy hot and humid and I would avoid processed carbs (Plus, I would invest a ton of money into Google and Apple later in life ;-). I think if I had just moved more and at less processed garbage, I would have avoided blowing up like a Goodyear Blimp.  

Here are five reasons to avoid processed carbs.

  1. Processed carbs can increase body fat – Yep, processed carbs are super calorie dense and low in nutrients so you can eat more of them and feel less full, which means you will get fat faster. Not ideal.
  2. Processed carbs suppress your immune system – When you put crap into your body it makes your body work harder and that stresses it out. And when your body gets stressed out it is more prone to getting sick.
  3. Processed carbs can promote diabetes – This should be obvious, but when you consume simple processed carbs it spikes your blood sugar, which results in your body releasing extra insulin to deal with the excess carbs. If abused and overused this cycle can result in type 2 diabetes.
  4. Processed carbs can cause tooth decay – To keep it simple, carbs equal sugar and sugar is not great for your teeth…or that is what my dentist says anyway.

In short, avoid processed carbs and please let me know when would you go and why?


Go be awesome!

KELLEN LAKE – In 1994 Brazil also won the World Cup which was really epic!

PS – Would you like to eat less processed carbs?  Do you hate cooking and cleaning dishes? Check out the fresh Chef prepared meals from Just 4 You Meals, click here or order from www.just4youmeals.com . All meals are under 500 calories so you can feel fit and fabulous!
