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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


June 2018

Break Free From Your Bad Habits ;-)!

Being that this is the week of July 4th and wanted to talk about breaking free from old bad habits and being strong and courageous ;-). About two weeks ago at Kidz Week we talked about the story of David and Goliath found in 1 Samuel 17. The main theme was God calls you to be brave. As such the games we played had a lot to do with water balloon fights, lol. This is where, I would encourage the children to be brave in the face of imminent wetness and quote-unquote danger :-). To say they loved it would be...

How To Motivate Yourself To Reach Your Goal!

SYSTEM 2 - What The Leanest People in the WORLD DO! 12 Week Fitness Model Fat Loss System: What the leanest people in the world do. Personal Update: I am following this Fat Loss System: The 12 Week Fitness Model Fat Loss System- What The Leanest People In The World Do! I finished Week 12! I have lost 9.7% body fat, went from a weight of 232 to 213, I lost a total of 18 lbs of fat and have actually gained 5.01 lbs of lean tissue. With that said today we are going to talk about goals setting and motivation! It’s often...

Want to look leaner and feel fuller? Practice Habit 7 ;-)!

SYSTEM 1 - HABIT BASED! Habit 7 - Eat At Least One Fist Portion Of Protein Want to look leaner and feel fuller? Practice Habit 7 ;-)! Where we have been. You should have 6 habits established, you have learned to eat for the right reason, at the correct intervals, learned how to eat just enough, discovered the joys of eating mainly unprocessed foods, have fallen in love with eating 2 - 3 cups of veggies at each meal, you have discovered the weight loss “miracle” of getting rid of liquid calories and now you will unearth why eating at least one fist size...

Calling YOU to act like an adult ;-)

Last week I had the privilege in the honor of helping with games at Mercy Hill kids week.This means I got to sit outside, correction I got to stand outside run around and play games with kids. Sounds super awesome right? Some of you are like that sounds absolutely terrible. I get it, but hey, I like working with kids and especially like working with kids when it's something I'm passionate Jesus. So on Monday what we were working on? We were playing a game based off of 1st Samuel 16 when God called Samuel to anoint David king of...

How Liquid Calories Make You Fat And What You Can Do About It ;-)!

SYSTEM 1 - HABIT BASED SYSTEM FOR FAT LOSS! Habit 6 - No Liquid Calories Where we have been. You should have five habits established, you have learned to eat for the right reason, eat the correct intervals, learned how to eat just enough, discovered the joys of eating mainly unprocessed foods, have fallen in love with eating 2 - 3 cups of veggies at each meal and now...

You ARE in Control…Aren’t You?

A while back I talked to you about your body type. We talked about how there's three different kinds, there's the ectomorph, the endomorph, and the mesomorph. Today we talking about personal responsibility despite your metabolic type or your body type. Your metabolic type basically refers to the biological processes that happen inside of you. The first question you need to answer is, “Are you carb tolerant or carb intolerant and to what degree?” Your honest answer to those two questions should greatly influence how you train and how you eat. This knowledge bomb coupled with your somatic body type will help...