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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Calling YOU to act like an adult ;-)

Last week I had the privilege in the honor of helping with games at Mercy Hill kids week.This means I got to sit outside, correction I got to stand outside run around and play games with kids.

Sounds super awesome right?

Some of you are like that sounds absolutely terrible. I get it, but hey, I like working with kids and especially like working with kids when it’s something I’m passionate Jesus.

So on Monday what we were working on?

We were playing a game based off of 1st Samuel 16 when God called Samuel to anoint David king of Israel. And the big theme of the day was God calls you.

As the game leader for lack of a better term, I was in charge of two games and one of them involved a parachute…kind of.

Any way, the first game involved my little superheroes going out and capturing some “villains.” I charged my superheroes with going out and capturing the evil villains and bringing them back to base, which looked a lot like a parachute ;-).  In short, that’s what I called them to do. They absolutely loved it. They thought it was fantastic, they loved chasing the older kids, AKA the “Villians” and bringing them back to their base.

The second game was basically steal the bacon or at least that’s what we used to call it back in the day. I once again used those two parachutes, a wadded them up into balls and then I divided the teams into two. My helpers, former Villains,  gave every kid a number. I would then grab the parachutes in my hand and I would yell out, “1” or “2” and then I would throw the parachute up in the air and then the two superheroes from each team would run and try to get the parachute and run back to the to their side before the other superhero caught them or prevented them from doing it. In short, I was calling them to rescue the parachute ;-).

So, today because I’m kind of short on time I’m calling you to limit the amount of Netflix you watch as well as get up and move more. As a side note, limit the amount of processed foods and fast foods you eat ;-).

There’s a ton of information out on their on pretty much anything and everywhere. The reason you’re not becoming fit isn’t because you don’t know what to do or how to do it…most often anyway. The reason you’re being held back and not becoming everything that you can be is because you’re not acting on the knowledge you do have. I’m calling you to act like an adult move more, eat less, and make sure you eat your vegetables and greens :-).

If you’d like help, I would be glad to help you out and keep you accountable to being awesome.

Go be awesome!

Kellen Lake – Calling YOU to act like an adult ☺?.
