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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



One Tip To Help You Lose Weight.

Are you aware of the number of “Treats” you eat?

I must admit…I am writing about treats because they are one of my achilles heels ;-). So, if you are stuck at a weight and “doing” everything right. I suggest you start to tally or track of all those treats that, “Don’t count.”

This is what I mean when I use the term, “Treats.” Any foods that are low in nutrients and calorie dense. Things like, candy, refined breads, chips, desserts, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, etc). Basically, almost anything you chiefly consume for taste and pleasure, not for its nutrients.

If losing weight is your goal, it is important to be fully aware of what you are putting into your body. I know, you just rolled your eyes and most people are immediately resistance to this idea.

Why is that? Why are people resistant to tracking their food? Most people resist this idea because they are afraid of what it will tell them. They are afraid of just how many treats they actually consume. Others, like me…don’t want to count the small bites or pieces of things we eat, we don’t want to count the bite of cake we had or the small handful of candy we ate. If short, most of us don’t want to track them because we want to hide them from our consciousness, we want to pretend like they never happened.

The problem isn’t the treat or treats, the problem is our mindset. We need to be aware of what we are doing so we can be honest with ourselves, at the end of the day, it is only information ;-). So don’t freak.

The first thing you need to do to create awareness is be honest. Chances are you will be pretty amazed at just how many bits of this and that you eat over the course of a week. If you simply put a tally for every treat (Yes, even a bite) you took in a week how many would it be? 10, 20, 30, 100?

Then once you know how many treats you consume in a week you can make a choice to eat 1 less a week, or 5, or 10. The point is, once you are aware of the number, you can use that data to slowly change your habit and thus, once again start to lose some weight.

Hope this helps, go be awesome!


KELLEN LAKE – Keeping the treat mark under 20 this week ;-), what about you?

PS – If you are sick of caving to temptation have healthy food and meals on hand prepared by a Chef in a Restaurant, order them by 12:00 PM the Wednesday. This is what Kristy had to say, “I have got to to tell you that salmon meal is amazing !!!!! I could eat that for lunch and dinner!  And I go to a lot of fine dining restaurants.” Click here or go to www.just4youmeals.com

PSS – Want to try a unique treat that won’t set you back? See below

Coconut Chia Seed Pops!  


  • 14 oz. can full fat coconut milk  
  • 2 Tbsp. maple syrup  
  • 2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice  
  • 3 tablespoons black chia  
  • 2 cups berries of your choice (sliced strawberries, raspberries and blueberries)


  1. In a mixing bowl (having a spout is handy!), mix coconut milk, maple syrup, lemon juice and chia seeds. Whisk until completely combined.  
  2. Refrigerate for 20 minutes (so chia seeds can thicken).  
  3. Place a few berries at the bottom of the Popsicle mold and pour in coconut milk mixture, filling 2/3 full. Add the rest of the berries to the mold until they are almost full.  
  4. Add the Popsicle sticks, cover and freeze for at least 6 hours.  
  5. ENJOY!