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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



I looked so good a few years ago…

The other day I got a text from a client.

It was a picture of what she looked like 2 years ago. In the picture she was thin and smiling proudly. In the text she stated that she wanted to look just like she looked in that picture.

I get texts and listen to stories like this often. People often talk about how they looked in high school or a few year ago when they were thinner.

The thing is back in the “Good Ole Days” 9 times outta 10 their environment and mindset were different.

If your environment is wrong, if your environment is not built for your success. You are fighting an uphill battle. And the chances are you will become a byproduct of your environment. Now, what I am NOT saying is you can’t make wise choices. YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE. What I am saying is if your environment is poor or is not conducive for you to lose weight it will be much harder for you to make the right decisions consistently.

It would be like putting my soon to be 3 year old in a cookie factory and telling her not to eat to many cookies. Sure, she might do well for an hour or two, maybe even a couple days. But if we left her in that environment for a couple of weeks I promise you she would over eat on the cookies…even if she had other options available.

You might be thinking that isn’t even fair. How could you expect a child to say no to cookies. I don’t…and I want to challenge you with the same logic. How can you expect to be successful on your weightloss journey, if your environment is poor and you are surrounded with fatty, sugary, chemically, and overly processed foods?

The environments that surrounds you, the places that you go, the people you interact with and the things that you do affect you.  

As Jim Rohn says, “ You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  Which means it’s essential to choose those people wisely. Likewise, it is important to choose your 5 top foods and beverages wisely.

If you want to change your behavior and lose weight you need to change your environment. Which includes your surroundings, the places you go (or the number of times you go there), the people you mingle with, etc.

Case in point, the client that I mentioned above sent me a picture of what she looked like 2 years ago, when she was thin.  I gave her two options.

One, was to make that her screenshot on her phone.

Two, the second option was to get that picture and place it some place where she knew she would go when she would be tempted to overeat.

In short, these were two ways she could change her current environment…and remind herself of her why! A two for one, it isn’t always that easy.

The client picked option number two. She chose to change her environment by placing that picture right in the middle of her refrigerator. This picture will challenge her and remind her she’s eating to become healthy and more fit. She is not going to use food as a means to cope, as means to temporarily make herself feel better. By changing her environment in this small way she getting into the mind-set of thinking long-term, not short-term.

What about you?

I don’t know exactly what you need, but I do know you can change something to make your environment “safer” and more conducive for your weight loss goal. The following is just one way you can make your environment safer which will enable you to lose more weight, more easily.

I want you to get rid of all the food that are triggers for you.

These generally are processed foods that are high in fats and carbohydrates and sugars. Chances are, you know exactly what foods these are, you don’t need me to spell them out. Crackers, chips, cookies, candy, candy bars, processed stuff, Etc.

Now if the first thought in your head is, “ I can’t do that, my family will lose it if I do that.”  I want to challenge you with this thought, if you are making a conscious decision to avoid certain foods because you want to improve your health and the composition of your body why would you want to rob your loved ones of that same opportunity?

That being said, don’t throw me under the bus :-). You will probably need to use some “transition” foods with your family until they get on board and use to the idea. But I would still argue that no one needs to eat tons of processed foods that contain sugar, trans fats, chemicals and a ton of preservatives.

Remember, if you don’t control your environment and you keep foods in your house that are hindering you from achieving your goal, it’s only a matter of time before you cave and eat them.

Go be awesome!

KELLEN LAKE – Get rid of your excuses and find your results : )

PS – Make your fitness and weightless journey easier on yourself, get rid of the crap food and keep the proper mindset and if you want extra accountability and a Personalized Exercise Plan Tailored for Just You click the link and claim the offer : ). 
