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10 Reasons you SHOULD NOT SET YOURSELF up for failure by comparing yourself to others!

10 Reasons you SHOULD NOT SET YOURSELF up for failure by comparing yourself to others!

Today I am going to be talking about the “Genetic Bell Curve.”

When it comes to training and nutrition the better you know yourself, in regards to what works and what doesn’t the better results you will get. However, if you are like 95% of the people out there you will just blindly follow someone else’s program template on Instagram or Facebook. And to be honest that drives me nuts.=

Most of the time the people that you’re following on Instagram are genetically gifted athletes who are people who can almost do anything and get bigger muscles (and booties), lose more body fat and just be jacked year around while eating pizza and drinking wine. As such, it is unfair for you to judge and condemn yourself when you set your expectations to look just like them doing the exact same thing. Do you know why? Because you are not them, and they are not you. Sure, any one can get into remarkable shape, but your nutrition and training should be customized to you, not some genetic freak.

Enter the “Genetic Bell Curve,” the genetic bell curve helps explain why some people are genetically gifted or predisposed to gaining muscle and losing fat.

  • 60% of the population are genetically average. This means that 60% of the people out there are going to respond favorably and in most ways predictably to a sensible plan in regards to nutrition and working out.
  • Now there’s another 20% of the population on the right side of the bell curve that shed body fat quickly and easily. These genetically gifted can do that with fewer workouts and have more cheat meals while still looking amazing. There are even people on the extreme-right who seem to be able to eat ice cream and chocolate cake all day, work out maybe once or twice a week and yet still have six packs. These people quite frankly are genetic freaks and we are not them :-).
  • Now the other 20% on the left side of the curve have an extremely difficult time shedding fat. These people have to do everything almost perfectly in regards to their nutrition and training to see results. They have to have more disciplined and they have to be more patient. Even after all that work and consistent effort the scale barely moves and they hardly lose any body fat. These people need to be in it for the long term.

Therefore, as I was saying, it’s not fair to yourself or others if you try to compare yourself and do what the extremely gifted do and expect the same results. You are just setting yourself up for frustration and despair. You will likely think you are broken and without hope.

The good news is, you are not broken and there is hope. It just won’t be as easy.

The best approach is to have a realistic outlook based on YOU. Regardless of where you are on the genetic bell curve, everyone can improve their physique and their body by practicing better nutrition and by working out. Your goal should be personalized for you, it should be about becoming your personal best. I’m going to say this for I think the third time, do not compare yourself to others, it’s not fair to you.

Why are people different? How are people different? There are 10 major genetic variables that will affect fat loss, muscle growth, and body composition.

  • Your Base Metabolic Rate. Your base metabolic rate is how much energy you burn while at rest. An average male burns about a 1,900 calories. A female burns about 1,400 calories of rest. So your base metabolic rate is how many calories your body needs just to maintain its daily functions. This does not include exercising or moving around at work. Basically, if you just sat or slept all day this is how many calories…ON AVERAGE..you would burn. Now…that being said, that’s an average person. There are variances which are affected by your size and how much lean mass you possess. Both these items will greatly determine your actual base metabolic rate. Obviously, those on the right side of the genetic bell curve, the top 20%, are genetic freaks and have a very high resting metabolic rate. And those on left side of the genetic curve do not have a superb base metabolic rates.
  • The Number Of Fat Cells In Your Body. Unfortunately some people are born with more fat cells than others…I know, this totally sucks and seems unfair ;-(. As a general rule women have more fat cells than men. And as you might expect the person who is born with more fat cells has a greater chance of storing more fat. Another thing that stinks is fat cells easily increase both in size and number. It gets even worse, once a fat cell is “created” it will never go away. It will get smaller in shape and size with diet and exercise, but it will never go away unless you get liposuction which is both expensive and dangerous. Once again, we see the genetic bell curve at work.
  • The Number Of Muscle Fibers In Your Body. Similar to your fat cells, everyone is born with a certain amount of muscle fibers. These muscle fibers can get larger and grow, they can also shrink and get smaller…But unlike fat cells, muscle fibers CANNOT divide and multiple…which on a side note is a real bummer. Once again, some people are born with a larger number of muscle fibers, therefore they have a greater potential to become big, strong and athletic. While those who have fewer muscle fibers are going to have a much harder time. I know…it’s a bummer :-(.
  • Our Muscle Fiber Types. There are basically two different kinds of muscle fibers in your body. There are slow twitch muscle fibers which are conducive for endurance. Think of things such as long distance runs, hikes, etc. There are also fast-twitch muscle fibers which are extremely conducive for power, strength, and explosive movements. Generally those who have more fast-twitch muscle fibers burn more calories and are more athletic and lean looking. The good news is even though you are born with more of one then the other, you can train the muscle fiber type you have to grow and develop more regardless of which type is dominant in you.
  • Where your muscles connect. Everyone’s muscles connect or insert in the same way. However…where the exact insertion point or connection is can make a huge difference in how strong and powerful you are. An inch or a millimeter can greatly improve given what kind of mechanical advantage you have. This is why some people who are small in stature and size and maybe we even look the same as another person can be exponentially stronger mainly because their muscle inserts/connects at a more mechanically advantageous place.
  • The size of your limbs. Obviously the size of your limbs is going to affect the way you look and your symmetry. Which once again is also going to affect your athletic ability and your strength. The longer your arms are, the longer your level is and this can create a mechanical disadvantage. So as the theme has been going some people are just born with fantastic leverage points While others aren’t. Therefore there’s no reason to beat yourself up because you aren’t someone else.
  • The size of your joints. The size of your joints also affects your body shape. A simple test to discover whether you’re big boned or little boned or somewhere in between is to simply wrap your hand around your wrist. If your thumb and middle finger overlap you’re probably small jointed. If your thumb and middle finger touch you are “medium jointed.” Lastly, if your thumb and middle finger do not touch when you grab yourself at the wrist you are large jointed. Once again the bigger you are the more muscle mass you have generally the more calories you burn.
  • Digestive differences, bodies digest food at different rates. If you are born with an inefficient digestive system you absorb less nutrients. Which means you’re probably going to feel hungry sooner because your body is going to want more nutrients to meet its requirements. This also means it’s going to affect your hormones and how hungry you feel. So once again, if you have poor digestive issues that you’ve had since birth through no fault of your own, it’s going to be harder for you to gain muscle and lose body fat. Not impossible, but will be more difficult than the top 20%.
  • Food allergies and insensitivities. This could be a whole chapter in a book, in fact it has been whole chapters in a book, if not hold books. So for now, I’m just going to say that some people are born with food allergies and sensitivities. The more aware you are of your allergies or sensitivities the easier it will be for you to lose body fat and keep muscle. If you know that you are gluten intolerant you shouldn’t eat gluten.
  • Carbohydrate tolerance. Unfortunately, I love carbohydrates, unfortunately as well as they do not love me. When I eat carbohydrates I have a difficult time losing weight and body fat. This is just the way I was born, through no fault of my own, people like me, when we carbohydrates generally our blood sugar goes up and our metabolism slow down. Plus we generally then have problems with our appetite regulation system, which is fancy talk for, “I want MORE!” Our body can eat as much noodles as we can sneak and shove into our faces. Regardless, if you’re born this way you just need to be aware of it and plan accordingly

Now the good news!

The good news is there are way more things that you can control then you can’t. Yes genetics play a role in how strong you can be and to a point how lean you can be. But you can control much more than you can’t control. The truth is your environment and what you consume plays a much bigger role than your genetics do when it comes to being fit, lean, and toned. The above are just 10 things and 10 reasons you shouldn’t compare yourselves to, “Super Instagram” fit athletes. Set realistic goals and be proud of being you.

If you would like to know more or start from the beginning click the link below and follow the 6 Steps outlined.

Action Steps: Click here to follow the Steps outlined below from Post 1.


STEP 1: Planning Your Destination: Answer these questions and be real.

STEP 2: Download MyFitnessPal  and I will show you how to set it up properly.

STEP 3: Setting Up MyFitnessPal and Figuring Out How Much To Eat.

STEP 4: Understand The Meal Plan Guidelines for Phase 1

STEP 5: Use The Charts to Create Your Daily Meals.

STEP 6: General Eating Guidelines

Go be awesome!


KELLEN LAKE – Have a great week!

PS – If you would like some free help or advise just reply and let me know ;-).
