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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



10 years ago I weighed 308 pounds, now 215 : )

10 plus years ago I weighed 308 pounds, no joke!

I was an offensive linemen in college. I hated being that big, it was actually hard for me to maintain that much weight, I ate a lot…all the time.

The turning point for me was my senior year in college. I was multi-tasking, playing Tiger Woods Golf, studying for a mid-term, and watching ESPN. The anchor on ESPN was talking about how about 50% of college and NFL linemen who get to be over 300 lbs (me) and don’t lose the weight in the first two years post football end up dieing around age 55 from heart issues. That scared the crap out of me and it was then and there that I decided I was going to lose the weight once my season was over.
With the help and support of family and friends, I did just that. Within the first three months post football I went from 308 to 265. Two months after that I was down to 245. Then I took a teaching job in South Korea and focused real hard on diet and training and got down to 225. Fast forward today and I am 215.

Was dropping all that weight easy? NO! It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I was extremely blessed to have a clear WHY, which fueled my motivation. Not only did I know WHAT (lose weight) I wanted to do, I also knew WHY (not die) I wanted to do it. Understanding WHY you are doing something will make all the difference in the world. So often I listen to people talk about WHAT they want and they hardly ever talk about WHY they want it. You know the funny thing is, most clients think they are paying me to provide the HOW (workout plan, diet plan, etc…). The truth is, I really get paid for helping them refine and identify WHY they want to accomplish their WHAT. Then and only then will the HOW even matter. WHY you do something is what will motivate you to get/accomplish WHAT you want.

Identifying your true WHY is the hardest part.

Often people don’t want to think about it or think it is a waste of time. They just want to jump to the HOW (workout plan, diet plan, etc) part. The only problem with this thought process is what you can have the best HOWs in the world, but without a true WHY, they will most likely quit within a month. They just don’t have enough motive to keep going because they don’t know WHY they are working and eating this way. It just feels to hard. They may know WHAT they want, but not WHY they want it.

Take aways for today:

1. Write down WHAT do you want? This should be pretty easy.
2. Now the hard part! Write down WHY you want to accomplish the above. This will likely take some time and thought. Once you have nailed down your WHY, share it with two people to keep you accountable to it.
3. HOW are you going to accomplish your WHAT?

As always, if you need some help with any part of the above contact me. I would love to help.




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What To Eat