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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


October 2017

It’s November, the month of Thanksgiving

The month of Thanksgiving has finally arrived. There isn't much better way to show that you are thankful then serving others. The challenge this week is to donate either your time or talent or your treasure to the community by giving back to those in need. A few ideas that will help you out.   You can serve food at a homeless shelter. You can sign up to volunteer to help build a Habitat for Humanity building or house. You could just go out and clean the side of a busy road near where you live. You can donate some time or money...

I Faced The DARK SIDE!

Happy Halloween! As I mentioned earlier in an article, I love Halloween. This last weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to go to an awesome Halloween party hosted by a friend and fellow Panther fan. This friend of mine was dressed up as a Sith Lord. If you don't know what a Sith Lord is I am sorry, your childhood and even your adulthood has been deprived and you've been robbed. You should totally request a do over. For those who don’t know what a Sith Lord is, they are really bad dudes. They live to gain power from Hate...

My Wife Didn’t Even Notice My New Rack :-(

Has This Ever Happened To You? The other day, I had a client who generously gave me a squat rack, for those who don't know what a squat rack is, when you come into my studio, it's the big black thing that you do pull ups on or TRX pull-ups and sometimes maybe even do squats on. Anyway, this awesome client had a spare squat rack that they didn't use, so they brought it to me. To give you some context, this squat rack has a 4 X 4 foot footprint and is about 7 ft tall. Needless to say it's...

The plain and simple way to survive the holidays with not as much guilt :-)

The TRUTH of the matter! I'll be real with you. During the holidays it is just flat-out near impossible to stick to eating a healthy diet as well as an exercise plan. I completely get it and I'm right there with you. As such, I'm going to be frank and honest with you. I love food! Most of you reading this know that already. One of the primary reasons I train so hard, is so that I can enjoy the food. That being said, that's why I go on these Four-Week Holiday Dashes. I go on them so that when the...

Do You Like Capybara Meat – Are You Willing To Try New Things?

What is a Capybara? So the question is have you ever eaten a Capybara? Most of you just read that and shook your heads and said, “No, I don't even know what a Capybara is. Lucky for you, I do. A Capybara is the largest rodent known to man, which lives predominantly in Brazil and in other parts of South America. And as my wife just pointed out at Circuses they are marketed as, “The World's Largest Rat.”  I feel confident, that most of you should said no and maybe puked a little : ).  Well, I have...

Burn Some Extra Calories Doing What You Do…Just Add…

Stair Climbing Challenge! Which person are you? Are you the person who takes the stairs everyday at your office or place of work or even in your home? Or are you the kind of person who diligently waits 5 minutes for the elevator to show up? Hey I get it, we all take the elevator from time to time.   It could be because you had a fantastic leg workout :-), or you have too many groceries to even think about packing them all up and down some stairs, or work just was really the pits and the last thing you want...

4 Week Holiday Dash! How I lose 15 – 20 pounds before Thanksgiving.

Context All right, I was talking to a client and we were discussing how people gain weight when they go on vacation. It's fairly normal to gain weight when you go on vacation, you eat food you normally wouldn't eat, plus it is probably laced with sugar. I know that doesn't apply to everyone, but I'm pretty sure it applies to 99% of you reading this. Here's the thing, I think it's a good thing to relax and let loose and not worry too much about what you are consuming. Anyway, that conversation led to me sharing my strategy called, “The...

Home Workout

Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each 2 Rounds: ½ Mile Run 30 High Skips 30 Rotational Walking Lunges (15 each side) 20 Cross-Body Mountain Climbers 20 Flutter Kicks (20 each) 10 Inchworms 10 Deck Squats [gravityform id="2" title="true" description="true"]...