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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



This weeks Challenge…IS…The Tarzan Method!

Up until this week, I have never heard of the Tarzan method.

The Tarzan method relates to achieving goals and results. And to be completely honest in my opinion it is 100% counterintuitive. Which is pretty much the only reason I’m even mentioning it and making it a weekly challenge. I’m so detail-oriented and structured I would never try this unless I was challenged to do so. So…I am : ).

With that said you guys are guinea pigs.

If you try it, please let me know as well as let me know the results you had on it and whether you think it’s effective or not.

This is how the Tarzan method is supposed to work.

I want you to imagine Tarzan, he travels through the jungle by swing from tree to tree and vine to vine. Tarzan really doesn’t have a predetermined route, there is no I-40 per say. All he really does is grab the next available vine that will get him closer to his goal/destination.

This means that his route from point A point B isn’t going to necessarily be the straightest nor is it going to be the most efficient. However, the point is Tarzan is always moving forward with momentum and he always gets to where he is going….At least eventually.

Now, I’ll be honest, I don’t think this idea and it isn’t going to be a great fit for everyone.

That being said sometimes it’s just simply not realistic to have every single detail planned out like I like to do.

So your challenge is to apply the Tarzan method to one particular aspect of your life that you’re struggling with.

It could be work-related, it could be a  personal, or it could be related to fitness and meal choices. The point is, this is a great opportunity for you to take action one decision at a time.

If you accept this challenge, please let me know and then let me know if it was beneficial to you or not.


Now go be awesome!

KELLEN LAKE – This challenge is going to be really hard for me, I am sweating already.

PS – Anyone ever try this before?
