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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



My babysitter is sick…:-(

Alright, so my babysitter (Grandma) is sick and I have to watch the kiddos. So instead of some awesome fitness, mindset, or weight loss motivation. I have going to follow the advice one of clients gave me. She said, “Just tell us your sitter is sick and them give a list of ways to avoid getting sick.” :-).

I am going to be humble and follow her epic advice lol.

  1. Get the flu shot (this is the first year I did, my wife forced me).
  2. Stop touching your face! How old are you? 5?
  3. Wash your hands after you touch communal stuff or areas.
  4. Wear surgical gloves (yes, at all times lol).
  5. Keep your lips off of people who are sick…just in case you were tempted before.
  6. Put a pillow between you and your partner…make sure they stay on their side of the bed. They should be grateful you don’t have them on the sofa.  If they aren’t, hit them with your dirty socks.
  7. Don’t share food, especially your dessert!

I hope this brief advice was helpful and a touch humorous. Have an epic Wednesday ;-)!

Go be awesome!

Kellen Lake – Disclaimer, 0 medical credentials.

PS – Don’t get sick, it isn’t fun..
