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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


February 2018

I looked so good a few years ago…

The other day I got a text from a client. It was a picture of what she looked like 2 years ago. In the picture she was thin and smiling proudly. In the text she stated that she wanted to look just like she looked in that picture. I get texts and listen to stories like this often. People often talk about how they looked in high school or a few year ago when they were thinner. The thing is back in the “Good Ole Days” 9 times outta 10 their environment and mindset were different. If your environment is wrong, if your...

70 lbs down…Congrats Jana!

Today I would like to celebrate Jana : )! Jana has slowly, but surely been losing weight. To date she has lost 70 lbs : ). Has it been easy? Jana would say, “No.” but she would also say it is worth it and the process is simple. What makes Jana special, what is Jana’s secret to success? She decided to take control of her own health, she realized that nobody was going to do it for her and that she had to do it for her. Jana wanted to be the best version of herself and as such she realized she...

No one needs to plan for a wedding…what a joke…

Said no one ever : ). Okay, so maybe one or two people might have said it.  I remember  when I met the love of my life Beth, in South Korea. In the course of about six or seven months we were engaged and planning a wedding and by we, I really mean her and her mom. I never realized how much planning it took to get ready for a wedding. Plus, it didn't help any that we were literally on the other side of the world in a different time zone, it was like an 8-hour difference, maybe more. We...

Banning Electronics Past 8 PM…who can do it?

No ELECTRONICS PAST 8 PM This weeks challenge is a dosy, one a dug up from the pits of hell. I can already hear you screaming in terror and torment. Why would I want you to experience this torment? In short, the lights on most devices - computer, TV, phone, etc - messes with your body’s cortisol production making it difficult to sleep. Cortisol is know as the “stress” hormone and its purpose is to get us jacked and ready to run or fight….NOT to go to sleep. This in turn negatively affects your melatonin a hormone that is supposed to help...

Proof in Action = Results

No one gets results by merely saying what they should or even knowing what they should do. Results come when you take action and apply what you now. Your results or lack there of are evidence of how well you are applying what you know you should be doing. Case in point. My kids Axel and Kenna My kids love their Gramma.  Currently my parents live in the basement. They just moved into the area and a looking for a house. In the meantime, my kids know that two of their favorite people are only a 5 second trip down the stairs....

Are you trying to lose weight and get fit for the wrong reason?

Are you trying to lose weight and get fit to make someone else happy? Do NOT fall into that trap. You will only become disappointed and hurt : (. Most of us want and desire the approval and acceptance of others. I know I do at times. I bet a lot of us have fallen into this trap. Plus, ;et's be honest, deep down we all want to be accepted and liked and we want to hear that we are accepted and liked by others. But we also know that, that desire can be an unhealthy one. To often I see people...

What would be your last words?

Last words = Daily Actions OR Last Words do not = Daily Actions? If you knew you were going away and you had the opportunity one last time to talk to your kids, parents, and/or loved one. What you say? Here the thing, we are all given one lifetime. In this one life time, we are blessed with the opportunity to experience amazing and exciting things. In this one life time, we also are able to make countless choices. Choices that will make us better and ones that will pull us away. But did you ever consider that we really can’t...

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

I know I do : ) Take today for example. I have a list of items that I need to get done and I'm struggling to get the momentum to start. But I know, from my past experience, once I start I'll crack through it, and will be done in 2 to 3 hours. The hardest part is getting started. You'll hear me say this again and again. The reason being is...

Do you feel like your life is out of control?

What is YOUR Mind Monkey Saying? Today's challenge is going to have to deal with your thoughts. As adults it's easy to feel like we are out of control of almost everything. What are kids do and say. The obligations we have at work. Shoot, it can even be when you get up and when you get to go to bed. But…. the thing is there is one thing, regardless of the situation or the circumstance we can control and that's our thoughts. What we think about and, more importantly our perceptions of those thoughts can have a huge impact on our day-to-day...