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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


December 2017

How Creating Daily Actions/Tasks Will Get You To Your Result Goal

This is part 5 of 5 on goal setting.  As of today you setting a daily Specific Intention, you have found your Why, you have created your 12 Week Result Goal, and you now have three 3 Progress Goals (habits) you need practice to reach your 12 week Result : ). [embed]https://youtu.be/c7KHGIPFUPg[/embed] Today, I will show how to create 2 - 3 daily actions/tasks that correlate back to your progress goals. Once you nail this down, you will have a clear and concise road map to where you want to go and how to get there. I am excited for you, let's...

How a Deadline WILL make you look and feel great!

[embed]https://youtu.be/VU9MWMSQYO4[/embed] This is part 3 of 5 that deals with goal setting. Remember, follow along and complete these mini-tasks. Trust me, this will be worth it : ). Why there MUST be a DEADLINE! Ok, some tough love. There Must Be A Deadline. It’s simple psychology. If you don’t have a deadline there is no urgency to take action. It’s been that way since when you were a child in school. Homework got completed because there was a due date.   You will get your results based on that same psychology. If you don’t have a deadline…a target to shoot for, there is no...

Holiday Home Workout Day 4 – Just You Fitness Winston-Salem, NC

Welcome to day 4! Watch the video and be awesome! Here is the workout or download by clicking here. [embed]https://youtu.be/deipo9WoQMA[/embed] Dynamic Warm-up Sets Reps Load Rest Interval Complete 3 Rounds Inline Lunges 3 5 each leg Body Weight (BW) 0-5 seconds Stablity Push-up 3 5 BW 0-5 seconds Resting Squat 3 15 - 30 seconds BW 0-5 seconds Inner Thigh Mobitiy 3 8 each leg BW 0-5 seconds Elephant Ears 3 8 each side BW 0-5 seconds Desending Ladder: 10 - 1 Exercises Sets Reps Load Rest Interval A1. Air Squats 10 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BW 0 minutes A2. Pull-ups or Negatives 10 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BW 0 minutes A3. Dips 10 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BW 0 minutes Abs of Terror: 3 Sets Exercises Sets Time Load Rest Interval B1. Pike / Leg Raises 3 20 seconds BW 0 minutes B2. Mountain Climber 3 20 seconds BW 0 minutes B3. Reverse Plank...

Holiday Home Workout Day 3 – Just You Fitness Winston-Salem, NC

Welcome to day 3! Watch the video and be awesome! Here is the workout or download by clicking here. [embed]https://youtu.be/oG5UEHkfF4Q[/embed] Dynamic Warm-up Sets Reps Load Rest Interval Complete 3 Rounds Inline Lunges 3 5 each leg Body Weight (BW) 0-5 seconds Stablity Push-up 3 5 BW 0-5 seconds Resting Squat 3 15 - 30 seconds BW 0-5 seconds Inner Thigh Mobitiy 3 8 each leg BW 0-5 seconds Elephant Ears 3 8 each side BW 0-5 seconds 3 Sets, NO rest...

Holiday Day Home Workout Day 2 – Just You Fitness Winston-Salem

Welcome to day 2 : ). Watch the video and be awesome! Here is the workout or download by clicking here. [embed]https://youtu.be/rkhktRbU9DQ[/embed] Dynamic Warm-up Sets Reps Load Rest Interval Complete 3 Rounds Inline Lunges 3 5 each leg Body Weight (BW) 0-5 seconds Stability Push-up 3 5 BW 0-5 seconds Resting Squat 3 15 - 30 seconds BW 0-5 seconds Inner Thigh Mobility 3 8 each leg BW 0-5 seconds Elephant Ears 3 8 each side BW 0-5 seconds Gaint Set: 3 sets Exercises Sets Max Reps for Time Load Rest Interval A1. Air Squats 3 30 seconds BW 0 minutes A2. Alternating Lateral Lunges 3 30 seconds BW 0 minutes A3. Back Lunge 3 30 seconds BW 0 minutes A3. Wall Sits 3 30 seconds BW 30 seconds Gaint Set: 3 sets Exercises Sets Max Reps for Time Load Rest Interval B1. Pelvic Peel 3 30 seconds BW 0 minutes B2. Bridge Kick 3 30 seconds BW 0 minutes B3. Forward Hinge 3 30 seconds BW 30 seconds Coreific : ) 6 sets Exercises Sets Max Reps for Time Load Rest Interval C1. Pike 1 10 BW 0 minutes C2. Reverse Plank Bridge 1 20 BW 30 seconds ...

Holiday Break Warm-Up Sequence for Just You Fitness Winston-Salem, NC

Well, I know you all are super sad that next week Just You Fitness Winston-Salem is closed : (. But a week break is good for me and good for you : ). However, I have created 5 home workouts you can do, if you choose. Each workout is about 30 to 45 minutes long. These are designed to burn calories, build muscle, and tone your body. Each day you will get a brief video that teaches you how to perform the workout, as well as a spreadsheet with links to exercise demos in case you don't know what a military push-up...