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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


July 2017

Home Workout

Workout! Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each WOD 12-16 Ladder 12 Burpee 12 DB Goblet Box Squat (Squat to bench and stand) 12 Inchworms 12 DB Elevated Hip Bridge 12 Jackknives (12/side) 200 meter jog after each round Finisher: 100 reps of core work of choice [one_second] <h3>Schedule your Free Training Session</h3> [gravityform id="2" title="false" description="true"] [/one_second]...

Healthy Peanut Butter Mug Cake…yummy!

Healthy Peanut Butter Mug Cake Ingredients: 2 Tbsp Brown Rice Flour 1/2 tsp Baking Powder 1 Egg/Flax Egg 1 1/2 Tbsp Melted Coconut Oil 2 Tbsp Almond Milk 1 tsp Vanilla 2 Tbsp Honey/Maple Syrup (melted) 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Chips (as many as you want) Directions: Combine the flour and baking powder in a bowl and whisk together. Add in all the other ingredients (except the chocolate chips) and whisk until well combined. Pour the mixture into a large mug (or 2 small mugs) and top with chocolate chips. Place the mug in the microwave on full power for 2-3min and allow it to cool slightly. Devour. [one_second] <h3>Schedule your Free Training Session</h3> [gravityform id="2" title="false"...

Monday Challenge: Chew Your Way To Weight Loss

Monday Challenge: Chew Your Way To Weight Loss Have you ever sat down to eat with someone (like me) and 30 seconds later they managed to eat their entire meal? Or…have YOU ever been guilty of that!? Gasp! I am guilty of this 90% of the time if I am not thinking about it. Chewing your food not only allows you to appreciate and savor the taste of that delicious food, but it also plays a very important role in your digestion. Chewing breaks down your food from large pieces into smaller, more manageable pieces in order to be easily digested. It also makes it...

Steps To Start Fat-Loss

Six Simple Steps To Fat Loss Today is going to be short and sweet. I want to give you six simple steps to help you lose fat with out all the "why" extra filler stuff. 1. You need to a plan. The main thing here is that you will progressively and slowly reduce the amount of food you will consume. 2. Stop eating junk. You need to switch from processed garbage to whole, non-processed, natural foods. 3. Log what you are eating. Don't be the patient that goes to the doctor and says, "Fix me." and when the doctor asks you how it happened...

What To Eat

Are You Eating Protein and Produce at Every Meal and Snack? I teach my fat-loss clients to keep their nutrition plan simple and to focus on creating healthy, fat-burning meals based around whole food proteins and fresh produce. Protein provides a lasting source of energy so you stay satisfied, and when you are satisfied you are not eating mindless snacks. Plus, protein is essential for boosting your metabolism. Not only does it cause your body to burn more calories to digest, but protein is also the essential component of your muscles. Produce is simply your fruits and veggies, full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,...

Power Naps: Why You Need Them

Power Naps: Why You Need Them It’s 3 in the afternoon and you can barely keep your eyes open. Your mind feels foggy, and all you want to do is curl up under your desk for 20 minutes and take a nap. But cutting-edge, productive people don’t take naps, do they? Actually, they do. It turns out that a nap is exactly what you need in the afternoons when drowsiness takes over your body and mind. From N.B.A. players1 to Google employees2, high-achieving people are turning to naps to recharge. Sleep experts have discovered that naps can improve stamina and motor skills, and enhance creativity....

Home Workout!

Try this home workout to maximize your fat-loss! Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each Complete 2 Rounds for Time: 200 meter run 20 crab toe touches 30 Cross body Mountain Climbers 40 Squat Jumps 50 Double Unders 40 Russian Twists 30 1-legged hip bridges (15/side) 20 Hand Release Push Ups 10 Burpees 200 meter run Rest 90 Seconds [one_second] <h3>Schedule your Free Training Session</h3> [gravityform id="2" title="false" description="true"] [/one_second]...

Weekly Challenge: Meditate for 5-10 Minutes Daily a Better YOU!

Meditate for 5-10 Minutes Daily When is the last time you meditated? With the busy hustle of day-to-day activities, life can leave us feeling stressed, exhausted, disconnected, and overwhelmed. Sometimes it seems there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done, and it can really begin to take a toll on our health and mental state. So how do you fit in an extra 10 minutes for meditation? That seems crazy right?! It’s NOT! Finding 10-15 minutes can actually help give you more time by reducing your stress levels and allow you to focus more on the task at hand. Meditation has also...

A Guide to Dining Out

A Guide to Dining Out By choosing to have a healthy diet and engaging in clean eating, you are making a serious effort to take control over the foods you put into your body. Consistency is the single most important factor in maintaining a healthy diet and achieving lasting fat loss. Ultimately, every meal and/or snack comes down to a choice. At any given point, you are forced to choose what to eat. However, no one can completely avoid being in certain circumstances in which it is difficult to know how to decide what to eat. When you are dining out of...