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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


June 2017

3 Home Workout to do at home : )

Workout 1! Enjoy :-) Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each Complete 5 Rounds for Time! 10 Super Man Burpees 10 Flutter Kicks 1-1 10 Walkng lunges 1-1 10 Reverse Crunch 10 Russian Twist 1-1 10 Wide Push Ups [embed]https://youtu.be/AMdOTO3v2J8[/embed]   Workout 2! Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each 26 Min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 20 Air Squats 2o Dead bugs 20 Mountain Climbers [embed]https://youtu.be/Yv-75Q91g2A[/embed] Workout 3! Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each 28 Min EMOM 8 Renegade Rows 8 Hand Release Push Ups 4 Squat Jumps [embed]https://youtu.be/gV6TnzGSRa0[/embed] [one_second] <h3>Schedule your Free Training Session</h3> [gravityform id="2" title="false" description="true"] [/one_second]...

Purge The Closet!

Weekly Challenge! Doesn’t it feel so good to clean out your closet and get rid of those old clothes that are just taking up space!? I find it extremely uplifting, my wife feels otherwise. How about finally letting go of those pants you’ve been hanging on to forever! It’s time to purge that closet! Maybe it’s a pair of your favorite old jeans you used to wear every day that have finally worn down. Or maybe it’s that sweater that is just so comfy but so stretched out it looks like a moo moo. Your challenge this week is to block off some time to...

Fear of Fat?

Fear of Fat? This post is a little late this week, sorry about that but we went and visited friends in Chapel Hill all day on Saturday and it was awesome! Our friends have three kids, three cats, and two dogs, it's a full house. The only problem is my children are “Scaredy Cats” so to speak. They apparently have a severe phobia of dogs and think the dogs sole purpose in life is to chase them and eat them, which is both crazy and hilarious. This means my kids sent half of their time running, screaming, and jumping from one piece of...

Father’s Day Fitness: Formula for Success

Father’s Day Fitness: Formula for Success I have good news and bad news, Dads. First the bad news: you can’t do it all. That long to-do list you have staring at you? Working harder, longer and more frantically will not help you get all your boxes checked. The reason is because more tasks, more responsibilities, and more activities keep piling on. But the harder you try to do everything, the more frustrated you become. The hard truth is that there simply isn’t enough time to do everything there is to do. Of course we know this intuitively, but for some reason we keep on...

Saturday Home Workout!

Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each 45s Work 15s Rest (Complete 3 Rounds) Burpee into Broad Jump Full sit up Reverse Lunge + Press Plank hold Butt Kicks Reverse Crunches Arm Haulers (for demo see: click here to view) Forearm Plank to Push Up [one_second] <h3>Schedule your Free Training Session</h3> [gravityform id="2" title="false" description="true"] [/one_second] ...

Do You Become Paralyzed By Fear?

Do You Become Paralyzed By Fear? Yesterday I sat down with a very bright successful woman for a Success Session, this is the second step in the journey to remove the jiggle form your middle at Just You Fitness Winston-Salem. As we talked she said she hated the way she felt and looked. It affected every aspect of her life. She will no longer take pictures with friends or family because she doesn’t want to be reminded of what she looks like. She doesn’t want to go out because she is afraid of what others will think or say. Her entire life consists...

Keep me accountable….! What does that look like?

"Keep me accountable!" When I sit down with clients at a success session we talk about various items and I ask quite a few questions. When I ask the clients what is the most important way I can help them succeed 50% of the time they say, “Keep me accountable.” Seems simple right? I then ask them, “What does that look like?” This is generally when I hear crickets as they ponder what to say next. They either don’t know what that means in a practical since or more often than not they are considering whether they want to reveal their “deep...

Hop on the Connection Challenge!

Hop on the Connection Challenge! It happens to all of us. We get so busy during the week it seems almost impossible to add in some extra time for catching up and fun chats. Life is too short to let the days go by without reaching out to friends or family members you care about! We think of them and wonder how they’re doing or how they’re feeling, but then the moment passes and before you know it, a week has gone by and we still haven’t reached out. Let’s change that this week! This week, let’s MAKE time to let them know...

New Studio IS…READY!

Thank You! Well this weekend I got a ton done on the studio. With the exceptions of some little things, very thing is finished! It has been a long time in the making, which is just like any great transformation. If it were easy, everyone would do it and it wouldn’t be highly sought after. Anyway, here are some pictures of the studio! I started training people back when I was only 15 years old never in a million years thinking I could make this a profession. Lucky for me God gave me a passion for training and a thirst for knowledge....