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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


May 2017

What Are The Best Workouts For Fat-loss?

What Are The Best Workouts For Fat-loss? I get asked a version of this question all the time. “How can I get rid of ________?” as they point or pinch a part of their body. “What is the best diet for removing thigh fat, belly fat, etc; What are some good workouts to lose weight?” I have heard that “Blah, blah workout is best.” What are your thoughts? First a couple of things: I love helping busy people remove the jiggle from their middle. This means I love answering these kind of questions and having these kinds of discussions The main problem...

The Two Most Important Tasks To Remove The Jiggle From Your Middle

The Two Most Important Tasks To Remove The Jiggle From Your Middle Yesterday I was at a family barbeque at it was awesome! Anyway a small group of family members were asking me questions about personal training, why people do it, how can they lose the fat around their tummies, once people lose reach their goal they will just leave you, it's a bad business plan, etc. Here is what I said to address these above fears, yes fears. Each and everyone of those questions comes from a place a fear, fear of failure. Unfortunately, this kind of mindset is normal. People...

Detox from Stress Challenge!

Detox from Stress Challenge! The statistics are staggering… (from www.stress.org/) 77% REGULARLY experience physical symptoms caused by stress 33% believe they are living with extreme stress 48% feel their stress has increased over the past five years 48% have sleeping issues due to stress $300 BILLION - annual costs to employers for employee stress-related health care and missed work Chemicals your body produces when you are under stress turn on or off genes that change everything from how fast you age to whether or not you might develop cancer. Scary, isn’t it? Stress is one of those invisible toxins your body faces every...

Warrior Lifestyle and Memorial Day

Reflections on Warriors Each year, on the last Monday of May, we celebrate Memorial Day. Originally instituted as a day of honoring those who died during the Civil War, it eventually became a day to remember any soldier who died fighting in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day is the perfect time to pause and consider how much we owe to those men and women who have given up their lives in the pursuit and defense of freedom. We are so accustomed to living with this freedom in our country, that it is easy to take it for granted. It is...

Overworked Brain = Loss In Motivation = Caving Into Temptation

Overworked Brain = Loss In Motivation = Caving Into Temptation I have been reading a book called Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, winner of the nobel prize in economics. So far it is pretty interesting and relevant in regards to our fat-loss/fitness journey. What Dr. Kahneman and numerous others have tested and discovered is that both self-control and cognitive effort are forms of mental work. Studies have shown that people who are simultaneously challenged by a demanding cognitive task (at work or play) and by a temptation are more likely to yield to the temptation. So if you are at work...

Smile More = Feeling Better = Better Workouts = More Fat-Loss

Smile More = Feeling Better = Better Workouts = More Fat-Loss It should be no surprise that if you smile more you feel better and if you feel better you will perform better (workouts, job, school, etc) and you will get better results (Fat-loss, Job review, grades, etc). So practice smiling more, by practicing more you can get back to that joyful state more often. Here are a few simple ways: Before engaging in any conversation or business meeting, try visualizing something that makes you genuinely happy. It will not only make you feel more calm and happy, but a genuine...

Secret “Amazonian” Fat-Loss Skills!

Secret “Amazonian” Fat-Loss Skills! Being Lean Is Habit Key idea, people who are lean are in the habit of being lean. They have been eating (practicing) being lean a long time. They didn’t get lean over night, just like I didn’t learn to play soccer over night. When I was 10 we moved to Brazil and in Brazil soccer is a religion. I was terrible, straight up terrible, plus I was morbidly obese which didn’t help. The way I saw it, I had two options. “Accept my fate,” or do something about. I chose to take action and practiced soccer 24/7, I was...

How consistent effort and focus gets results.

How consistent effort and focus gets results. Well I am super tired, I am sure a lot of you can relate. It are times like theses that it is easy to focus on what is not working and think about all the crap that you have to deal with. The only problem with that is you aren’t likely to find a solution to your problems. We have all been there. Something bad happens, we get upset and we blame and yell and point our fingers at someone else. To make matters “better” we then go and tell everyone we know about what...

Smile More Challenge + Weekly Top Posts

This last week was crazy busy and this week looks like more of the same. When things gets crazy it's easy to focus of the tasks and "issues" you need to address and lose your humor. This rarely happens to me, but last week it did. As such I thought it would be a good idea to have a smile challenge. The simple act of smiling more can dramatically change your attitude and outlook on life. Smile More Challenge Ever walk down the street and look at the other people on the sidewalk? How often do you see anyone genuinely smiling? Most...