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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Hop on the Connection Challenge!

Hop on the Connection Challenge! It happens to all of us. We get so busy during the week it seems almost impossible to add in some extra time for catching up and fun chats. Life is too short to let the days go by without reaching out to friends or family members you care about! We think of them and wonder how they’re doing or how they’re feeling, but then the moment passes and before you know it, a week has gone by and we still haven’t reached out. Let’s change that this week! This week, let’s MAKE time to let them know...

What…? No Alcohol Challenge!

What…? No Alcohol Challenge! Alcohol has become an important part of most peoples social lives. Its recreational status makes it one of the most popular drugs in the world. Even though the health effects of alcohol vary between individuals and depend immensely on the amount one intakes and the type of alcoholic beverage, it’s safe to say it has a temporary but powerful effect on our mental state. Alcohol makes it easier for people to act without inhibition by reducing self-consciousness and shyness - we simply feel emboldened to do things. But it also has the ability to impair our judgments so we...

Stressed? Do you Multitask?

Stressed? Do you Multitask? “How Multitasking Hurts Your Brain (and Your Effectiveness at Work)” was the title of a great Forbes article back in 2013. So often we try to multitask and do too many things at once…. where in reality, we’re decreasing our productivity and making our stress levels even worse. The statistics are staggering… (from www.stress.org/) 77% REGULARLY experience physical symptoms caused by stress 33% believe they are living with extreme stress 48% feel their stress has increased over the past five years 48% have sleeping issues due to stress $300 BILLION - annual costs to employers for employee stress-related health care and missed work What...

Detox from Stress Challenge!

Detox from Stress Challenge! The statistics are staggering… (from www.stress.org/) 77% REGULARLY experience physical symptoms caused by stress 33% believe they are living with extreme stress 48% feel their stress has increased over the past five years 48% have sleeping issues due to stress $300 BILLION - annual costs to employers for employee stress-related health care and missed work Chemicals your body produces when you are under stress turn on or off genes that change everything from how fast you age to whether or not you might develop cancer. Scary, isn’t it? Stress is one of those invisible toxins your body faces every...

Smile More Challenge + Weekly Top Posts

This last week was crazy busy and this week looks like more of the same. When things gets crazy it's easy to focus of the tasks and "issues" you need to address and lose your humor. This rarely happens to me, but last week it did. As such I thought it would be a good idea to have a smile challenge. The simple act of smiling more can dramatically change your attitude and outlook on life. Smile More Challenge Ever walk down the street and look at the other people on the sidewalk? How often do you see anyone genuinely smiling? Most...

Tip, Weekly Challenge, and Last Week’s Top Posts

Breakfast Tip I have got to brag on my amazing wife Beth! This tip, is inspired by her. On I believe on Thursday, I came home and Beth was making pie crusts, or so I thought. When I asked her what they were for she said, Mother’s Day. She was making quiches, she knew, she nor my mother would want to cook on Mother's Day. So she planned ahead and prepared something awesome. What about you? Do you tend to be rushed in the morning? You can make your breakfast ahead of time and be awesome like Beth. Normally, Beth likes to...

Snack Challenge…Last Week’s Top Fat-loss Posts!

The Power of SNACKS! Snacks are a beautiful thing and I love them. Unfortunately they have a bad reputation… and for good reason considering what MOST people consider a snack! Between the stops at the vending machine and the grab-and-go at the gas station- most people are grabbing whatever is fast, sugary, and convenient. This is an easy way to increase in the jiggle in your middle. Lucky for you, I love to help people lose the jiddle in their middle. With that in mind, snacks can be one of your greatest fat-loss allies! If you’re doing it right, snacks are great...