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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


March 2017

Home Workout – “The Killer Ladder”

Alrighty, this workout has a name. It has a name for a reason. Try it out and find out why : ). As always, have fun! Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each Killer Ladder! 800 M Run 100 Jump rope singles 90 elbow to knee crunches (1-2) 80 Step Ups (1-2) 70 plank jacks 60 lateral lunges 400 M Run 50 bicycle crunches 40 elevated hip bridges 30 Hand Release Push Ups 20 Burpees 10 Broad Jumps 200 M Run Now go and be awesome! [one_second] Schedule your Free Training Session [gravityform id="2" title="false" description="true"] [/one_second]...

Just You Fitness Winston-Salem has arrived!

It has been along time coming and I have been working towards this goal of opening a Just You Fitness Franchise for over a year. Super excited it has finally become a reality. However, this isn't about me. It's about you. At Just You Fitness Winston-Salem, we provide a private training and counseling studio that completely focuses on you and your needs and wants. You aren't one of many, or a even one a few, you are one-of-one. This enables us to train and empower you with out distractions and severely limits the amount of obstacles you would face in other...

Fight Muscle Loss: Lift Weights…You are likely suffering from Sarcopenia.

I know nobody wants to think about getting older. Unfortunately, unless someone finds the fountain of youth, everyone is doomed to grow older. As you age, guess what happens. You start to walk slowly, move more carefully and let others do things for you (to be fair, I have been letting others do things for me since I was little, but you get my point). In short, as you age you become frail or weak : ( booooo. Guess what? Everyone 25 years of age or older suffers from muscle loss, the fancy term for this is sarcopenia (don’t ask me...

No Added Sugar Challenge!

No Added Sugar Challenge and an update on the Personal Training Studio. First, this challenge was inspired by an awesome client named Angela Tomes! She came to me last November 2016. She felt like she was addicted to sugar. Long story short, she worked really hard and emailed and texted, daily, meet once a month, created a food log. As result she has mashed her sugar habit. Super proud of her! Second, hopefully by end of this week I will be announcing the new name of my personal training business. This past week I started the demo work of the studio. It...


As the time approaches, closer and closer to opening the private fitness studio, which will be about 500 square feet of awesomeness. I would like to take a second and let you all know who I help/serve. In short, I help people fall in love with training. I do this by helping them lose unwanted body fat, increase their energy levels, improve their body composition, feel stronger, and become more comfortable in their own skin. BUT...

When did doing the right thing, become the dumb thing?

Okay, so quick story, bare with me. On Saturday, I accidently washed my cell phone in the washer…: (. Dumb move. I immediately took out the battery, did what everyone else recommends and put it in a bag full of dry rice. On Sunday, I took the phone to a repair place not expecting much. $35.00 dollars later, the good news, my phone would turn on but the touch screen is screwed up to the point that it won’t function like it should, bad news. So I took the phone to T-Mobile and fully disclosed what occurred. I had three options....

A system, a plan, and accountability = results!

As they say, a poor plan beats no plan every time! Thursday was crazy busy, but awesome! I would have been easily overwhelmed but lucky for me, Google Calendar gives me a system and helps me stay accountable and stick to the plan. So, my day started at 4:45 AM. Google Calendar, which I set up on Sunday, reminded me last night when I needed to leave the house and gave me directions to where I needed to go. Probably saved me 15-20 minutes trying to do this on the fly. I drove to a client's home and trained him and his...