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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


April 2017

Rise & Shine Breakfast Challenge plus this week’s Top Posts!

Breakfast Challenge Are you one of the 12% that don’t eat breakfast or one of the more than 50% of people who skip it at least once a week!? I cannot relate to this issue at all personally. I love breakfast. However, I get it. You want to sleep in, you don’t have time, etc. During the weekdays when I train clients early in the AM and my alarm goes off at 5:00am I don’t want to spend a ton of time making breakfast either. So I plan ahead (Habit 1). I make a protein shake the night before. That way...

A Tip and a Home Workout!

A Tip and a Home Workout! The week is finished! Or is it? A Tip About This Week’s Challenge. Nut milk can be used for much more than smoothies and drinks.  You can use it to prepare creamy vegetables, as a base for soups, and even to cook rice!  Many people use almond milk and avocado to make delicious chocolate puddings.  How are you going to use your nut milks other than smoothies this week!?   Home Workout Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each 400 meter run, then: Increase Reps by 2 for 5 Rounds 5 Thrusters 5 Decline Push Ups 5 Burpee Tuck Jumps 5...

Fat Is Like A Stray Dog

Fat is like a stray dog! It’s Friday! Congrats, you survived another week and I hope you are just a little bit leaner than you were before the start. Have you ever had a stray dog that just wouldn’t go away? I remember when I was about 12, we lived in Brazil and we had this stray dog that would not go away. I love dogs, I think they are awesome, and I felt bad for this one. So did I do? I fed it. Do you think the dog left? No, it didn’t, because it was getting food. The same is...

Cardio and “skinny fat” syndrome

Avoid the “skinny fat” syndrome One more reason, you need to focus on strength training to lose the jiggle in your middle. The danger of focusing on cardio or aerobic exercise to the exclusion of strength training is becoming what is known as “skinny fat.” Skinny fat is a condition in which a person appears thin on the outside, but inside they are unhealthy and at risk for illness. One of the largest populations that stereotypically fall under this category are models, especially from the late 80's and 90's. This is the real danger and I see it a lot....

Why aerobic exercise is not enough!

Why aerobic exercise is not enough “But,” the question goes, “Can’t I just go for a run and build muscle? I’m using muscles when I run!” The answer is NO! Running or other aerobic exercise is not a replacement for strength training. They are different exercises and provide different benefits. Aerobic exercise does not deliver the needed stress to your bones, muscles and tendons...

Don’t Stop Strength Training IF YOU Want to Lose Weight!

Don’t Stop Strength Training IF You Want to Lose Weight! It’s spring right?! Now that the weather is nice, not too cold, not too hot, but just right, you may be tempted to forgo your strength training and head outdoors for some aerobic exercise in the fresh air. USER BEWARE! If you quit your strength training, you will be giving up more than you bargained for. So, why should you strength train? Strength training is critical for true fat-loss. Without it, your muscles will slowly go away (atrophy). No biggy you think. Wrong, if you aren’t building muscle, you are likely...

Swap Your Milk Challenge!

This challenge is really simple and straightforward. If you consume a lot of milk, this will be an easy way to drop 1-2 pounds in a week just by lowering the Quantity you consume and improving the Quality of the milk you consume. At Just You Fitness Winston-Salem be help people remove the jiggle from their middle. We do this by creating customized nutritional and workout plans offered in a completely private setting. If you don’t know what I am talking about check out these posts from last week. Are You Ready For Fat-loss? How to Start Your New Fat-loss Journey. Food is...

Vitamin D Tip and How Food Works in Fat Loss

Tip on Monday's Challenge Since our challenge was to get more vitamin D this week- here’s a really helpful tip. If you decide to supplement with vitamin D3, (and not go OUTSIDE : ( ) consider also taking vitamin K. This helps with absorption and the two should go hand in hand. The good news is that many manufacturers sell the combo in one supplement. Look for vitamin D3 with K2. Quick Thoughts on How Food Works with Fat Loss There are three items to consider. Quantity, Quality, and Ratios. Quantity equals scale weight. Anyone who says the quantity you consume doesn't matter...

Food is the problem!

Food is the problem! Today I am going to the “Bad Guy.” Losing fat and improving your body composition is all about the food you consume, simple, but hard. You don’t have to like it, but it's so important, fat-loss is all about your food. Personally, I wish I could eat as much as I wanted, but alas, no one can out work poor food choices. In a world where one donut can be 500 plus calories, the forces of “evil” are just too strong to win the war of fat by trying to out train food. So, what’s the problem with...