PART 3 – 3 ways to reach your weight loss and fitness potential
So far we have covered the necessity of being humble and anchoring your roots. Today we are looking into the third thing you need to do to reach your weight loss and fitness potential. You need to protect your heart.
What I mean when I say, “Protect your heart.” is all too often we allow the opinions of others drive and determine how we feel about ourselves and how we perceive ourselves. That is not cool, because the opinions of others are fickle and is in a constant state of flux. Truth be told, this is something I need to work on as well.
I want people to like me ;-). As such, sometimes I do, say, or even eat things I normally wouldn’t just because I want to impress or appease a person or group. That is no way to live, especially if you are trying to lose weight and get fit.
Now, don’t get me wrong, having a good reputation is a positive thing. But too often, we let the opinions and the fear of what others are going to say, think, or do determine what we do or don’t do (like exercise), what we eat or don’t eat.
This is way easier said, than done. But this is my warning, you need to guard your heart against those who you’re trying to please for the sake of pleasing them and you need to avoid those who are encouraging you to fail. If one of your friends is always trying to get you to skip a workout or eat something you shouldn’t, have a frank conversation and if that doesn’t work try to limit your contact with them.
Plus, you need to have some intrinsic motivation and want to change because YOU want to be better, not because of someone else’s opinion. The newer, healthier you needs to be primarily driven from your desire to change, not because you want to change for someone else.
Therefore, if you want lasting change, you need to guard your heart.
Go be awesome.
Kellen Lake – Be humble, rooted, and guard your heart!
PS – Have an epic weekend.