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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



I have jury duty today…. :-(!

So today I have to report for jury duty ;-(!

I am less than thrilled, but hey, it is my civic duty…or at least that is what I am telling myself.

But, I got to give Forsyth County some props. They have really clear and concise directions. They have a plan to get me from A to B as seamlessly as possible. If I had to figure out what to do and where to go I would get frustrated and upset, but lucky me. That is not a concern.

What is a concern is how boring and time consuming this is going to be!!!  As such, this clear cut process and my suffering inspired this little message about getting fit and losing weight.

First, losing weight and getting fit is HARD and PAINFUL. Just like taking a day off work for jury duty is hard and painful so is losing weight. It requires dedication, discipline, and a plan.

Second, you cannot train like a weenie and get results. If all you do is go walking or lift little light weights it isn’t going to do much. Sure, it is better than nothing, but if you want big overall change you need to lift hard and heavy.

Third, don’t be scared. I am scared about going to jury duty because what if I get stuck there? Who is going to train my clients? It might cost me a lot of money. However,I am going to suck it up and go conqueror. I will face my fear and overcome. If you are scared, it is normal. What is not normal is facing your fear. If you want to lose weight and get fit, face your fear. Get into the weight room and get a plan to follow.

Fourth, you will need to use challenging weights that will likely intimate you. If the weight you lift is not challenging, it is to light and will not force your body to adapt. One of the biggest mistakes most well intentioned ladies make.

Fifth, you will get winded and become uncomfortable, you will even experience soreness and pain. How many trainers and programs admit that lol? But if you are working hard and challenging yourself it will happen. Be ready and if never happens…you need some help pushing yourself ;-).

Well I got to go, wish me luck ;-)!

Go be awesome

Kellen Lake – “You can’t handle the Truth”

PS – Name that movie quote 😉

PSS – As of writing this message I am down to 226.8 from 237.5. Only about 12 pounds to go ;-).

PSSS – What you like a 12 week plan to follow via the Just You Fitness App? I am offering a get out of jail sale today. Normally $150.00, today $125.00 for 12 weeks of workouts to get you lean and fit, reply and let me know if you want in. I only have time to make three of these, first come, first serve.
