Are You A Fitness Zombie?
Are you a Fitness Zombie?
The other night (Thursday) we went to Mercy Hill Church (best church I have ever been apart of, you must check it out) and Pastor Andrew talked about a church in the Bible called Sardis.
Basically, the church at Sardis looked epic from the outside looking in. They even had a good reputation…however, on the inside they were dead…they were a Zombie Church he said. They did the right stuff, but it was meaningless because they were dead on the inside, they were likely focusing on doing and looking good, verse being mature and having a firm foundation built on faith in Christ.
Any way, this made me think about being a Fitness Zombie.
You do great and are “alive” when you are around other people, but behind closed doors you are dead. You eat poorly and can’t get to the gym on your own. You act, but may not look like a teenager. You know the stereotype. It seems like teenagers can eat whatever they want, play video games all day and still have a six pack. They “look” the part, but on the inside their habits will slowly but surely lead them to become unfit and thus they are “Fitness Zombies.” Looking good on the outside, but on the inside it is nasty.
The good news, is that unlike in most Zombie movie lore, once you get infected or bitten you are doomed. You can reverse the process if you are a Fitness Zombie. I got these awesome ideas from Pastor Andrew, I suggest you follow them to slay the zombie that may be inside of you ;-).
- Wake-up! You are never to far gone to wake-up to the fact that you need to change.
- Repent! Admit to yourself that you need to change your eating and fitness habits and then do a 180 degree turn.
- Strength! You will need the strength to plug through the rough times of changing your habits…I wish it were easy.
- Persevere! You will make mistakes, it’s OK, just learn from them and seek continual improvement.
Go be awesome!
Kellen Lake – The Fitness Zombie Slayer ;-)!
PS – Make sure this weekends activities and eating reflect who you really are and want to be ;-).