Are People Stopping You From Reaching Your Weight Loss and Fitness Goals?
Yesterday we talked about fear and how it can hold you back from even starting on your weight loss journey. Today, I would like to talk about the, “fear of man” and how it can really slow down your weight loss and fitness progress.
I imagine some of you know what I mean when I say “fear of man,” but fear of man refers to allowing others to influence and determine what you do or say, against what you want or know to be right…basically negative peer pressure.
For example, the other day I got a message and photo from Ashley (who is an epic client who has improved her body fat percentage by 1.5%, super awesome). In the photo was a picture of Krispy Cream donuts and Ashley said, “Resisting all of the break room goodies this morning 😟.”
First, great work by Ashley for messaging me and keeping herself accountable! Huge bonus points!
Second, let’s pretend one of Ashley coworkers approached her and said, “Ashley, you are so thin anyway, just have a donut. Don’t be so rigid. It’s just one donut.” Then, Ashley out of guilt, or because she didn’t want to offend her friend ate one. Is it the end of world? No, but it will slow down Ashley fitness goals.
Don’t let the fear of man hold you back! Don’t be like Isaac in the Bible, who was afraid the Philistines would kill him to take his wife Rachel so he lied (just like his dad, family tradition…) saying Rachel was his sister.
Getting fit is hard, staying motivated is hard, resisting fear of man is hard. The truth is, despite what you see on TV or on Facebook none of this is easy and it will take work and effort. But with a customized plan and accountability it can be simpler. If you would like to get on Discovery Call I would love to give you some advice and direction reply or message me, “Discovery Call” and we can set one up ;-).
Kellen Lake – Don’t let the man keep you down ;-).
PS – For those who are Christians, remember, God is with you! Fear of man is unnecessary when God is in control, don’t let it hold you back in life or fitness. You have been declared holy by His Son’s work on the cross.