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Winston-Salem, NC

(919) 426-1671

2345 Griffith Rd

Winston-Salem, NC 27103



Fat loss….why is it so hard? Does this sound like you?

Story #1: I want to lose fat! I will work harder and just say no!

This is where 90% of us live. We want to look good in a bathing suit, we want to feel confident and comfortable in our bodies. As such we build up enough emotional “willpower” to, “Just Say No.” The problem however goes like this…

Work went late and/or the kids had something they “had” to do, but forget to tell you about. As such you get back to the house late and arrive exhausted running on fumes. Plus, while you were at work, you didn’t have time to get a healthy meal. So you caved and had a low-fat granola bar laced with sugar and maybe some birthday cake that was left over from last week’s party for co-worker so-and-so.

The result now is you feel bad, because you “failed,” plus you are starving because your blood sugar levels are all over the place. You feel like if you don’t eat something now, the world will end. You rush to the fridge to get a quick snack. At the fridge you stare aimlessly praying for something to magically reveal itself that is both easy, your family will eat it, and inline with your fat loss goals.

Unfortunately, there is nothing healthy in the fridge… Sure, you went shopping this weekend, but mindlessly bought whatever was there and whatever tickled your fancy. As a result you are left without inspiration and a hunger pain in the pit of you soul that demands something NOW!!!

Plus, your family is screaming like little birds…”Feed me!” but all you got at best is a frozen dinner or maybe you order a pizza (that will shut them up). The only problem is now you feel guilty. However, that only lasts about minute because you miraculously find yourself downing handfuls of chips, you quickly put down the chips and pick up the low-fat Cheese-its and hope and pray your kids or spouse don’t caught you “looking” in the pantry for “something healthy” to eat. So, instead of enjoying spending time with them you are actively avoiding them, trying to make it all happen.

In the end you order a pizza…and a coke, because at this point, what’s the point, and say to yourself, “Tomorrow I will be 100%. I will make up for all this.”

Does that sound stressful? It made me stressed just typing it. Does that sound like how you want to live? What if there was another way? Second story….

Story #2: I know I don’t have the willpower to lose fat, so I will plan and prepare.

Same situation as above, but on Saturday or Sunday you sat down and planned all your meals that will help you meet your goal of fat loss. Plus, you went out and bought all the items you would need to make those meals. As such, the meals are all planned and prepared inside your fridge and you have snacks prepared for when you are crazy busy at work or at home.

The story goes something like this. At work you grabbed your bag of jerky or deli meat with cheese and some fresh veggies you bought the day before, no need to go anywhere near the break room looking for your next fix.

You arrive home and are still hungry, but not to the level of being willing to sell your firstborn, because it is later than expected. No problem, you got this, your home cooked meal is only 30 minutes away because you prepared and mapped out your meals ahead of time…like on Sunday or Saturday.

Plus, you are such a stud that you also prepared a couple snacks and they are patiently waiting in the fridge because you planned ahead. No need to slam chips.

You feel super proud and happy with yourself…AND YOU SHOULD! You had your meals and snacks planned ahead of time awesome, but what makes it even better is that you went shopping and bought everything you would need. Plus, you prepared everything in advance. This means while your chicken is in the oven, you are playing with kids, maybe helping them with their homework, or chatting up your spouse…instead of “playing” hide and go seek in the pantry with the crackers.

The added bonus, you got closer to your fat loss goal. Did you almost forget that was the whole point? And that my friends is the point. In the midst of “survival” we will habitually do whatever is the easiest thing available. The key is to work and develop habits, not willpower.

The stories above demonstrate how strategy wins in the long haul over willpower. Success is rarely ever about teeth grinding and white knuckled will power. It’s about having a plan that develops a habit. In the Just You Fitness Winston Salem Fat Loss Program the first habit my clients generally work on is Planning. Planning their meals ahead of time and blocking out their free meals or free day. Yes, free meals or a free! It’s not about deprivation.

Most of you can probably relate to one of the stories above. If you want help let me know. There is no reason you can’t be proud and happy with yourself. There is no reason for you to go to bed at night thinking, “I did terribly, I will never get thin, I hate my body.” You too can do something simple, but amazing!

Habit 1: Plan 6 meals. These meals could be breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I just ask that you be consistent (all breakfast, or all lunch, or all dinner) Start with protein (beef, eggs, chicken, etc), add some healthy fat (avocado, olive oil, etc), and then add complex carbs (kale, brown rice, quinoa, etc) if necessary about a cup worth will work. Paste your meal plan in the comment section below for some additional accountability and help.

Once again, it all comes down to habits, not willpower!

Now go and be awesome!


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